Ramadan Fatwas: Do I have to resolve to fast every day? – News

Ramadan Fatwas: Do I have to resolve to fast every day? – News

Ramadan Fatwas: Do I have to resolve to fast every day?

It is better to be cautious and resolve to fast the night before each day of Ramadan.

By Dr. Mohammed Aiyada Alkobaisi

Published: Thu 17 May 2018, 13:43

Last updated: Sat, 19 May 2018, 8:09 am

Question: What is the Shariah commandment regarding the niyyah (intention) of fasting in Ramadan? Is it obligatory on every day of Ramadan? And do we have to make this intention the night before every day of Ramadan?
Answer: The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that one must have the intention to fast the night before each day of Ramadan, and that the obligatory fast without the niyyah the night before is not valid, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever does not intend to fast the night before the day he intends to fast, his fast will not be accepted.”
Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad said (in one of his two narrations): “It is enough to resolve to fast on the first night of the entire month (of Ramadan).” While Imam Abu Hanifah said: “Fasting in the month of Ramadan is valid if one resolves to fast at any time of the day before the descent of the sun from the meridian.”
However, it is better to be cautious and resolve to fast the night before each day of Ramadan.
(Says Dr. Mohammed Aiyada Alkobaisi, Grand Mufti, Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities, Dubai)

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