Surgeons find keyring and nail clippers in man’s stomach

Surgeons find keyring and nail clippers in man’s stomach

In a remarkable surgical procedure, doctors in East Champaran district of Bihar successfully removed several metal objects from the stomach of a 22-year-old man. The patient, who was suffering from severe stomach pain, was admitted to a private hospital in Motihari by his worried family a few days ago.

A disturbing diagnosis

Upon examination, doctors found that the young man had swallowed several metal objects, including a key ring, a small knife and a nail clipper. Dr. Amit Kumar, who led the surgical team, explained that the patient was under psychiatric treatment and had a history of mental health problems. X-rays showed the presence of these objects in his stomach, which required urgent surgery.

The surgical procedure

The surgery, which was performed on Sunday, began with the removal of the key ring. As the procedure progressed, the team managed to extract two keys, a four-inch knife and two nail clippers. Dr. Kumar noted that the patient admitted to having recently developed a habit of swallowing metal objects, a disturbing behavior related to his mental health condition.

Relaxation and outlook

After the surgery, the patient’s condition steadily improved. Dr. Kumar reported that the man is now recovering well and is expected to be discharged from the hospital soon. The patient will continue to receive psychiatric care to treat the underlying issues leading to his unusual behavior.

This unusual case highlights the connection between physical health and mental well-being and underscores the importance of comprehensive treatment for people with psychiatric illnesses.

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