Students and families make final preparations for the first day of school

Students and families make final preparations for the first day of school

BALTIMORE – School will begin again Monday for students in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County and Howard County.

But the day before, the Target in Pikesville was packed with families doing last-minute shopping.

“There are still a few things we needed to add, but I was really glad we ended up coming here because we really got most of what we needed,” said Mariam Sobol of Pikesville.

Marion Dickerson was shopping for her grandchildren. Pastor Donnell Cunningham was looking for school supplies for the students at his church.

“The list is at the bottom of the bag,” Dickerson said. “They even need dry erase items. I didn’t know they didn’t use chalkboards anymore.”

Traffic disruptions on main roads

On Monday, traffic on the motorways and country roads will be a big problem. Plan ahead so that you can get to your destination on time and safely.

According to the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA), significantly more cars and buses are to be expected during the morning rush hour.

Also keep in mind that there will be traffic disruptions due to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

“These summer months gave us some relief from the frustration we all experienced after the collapse,” said Nicole Monroe of the MDTA. “Now that school has started again, we want to make people aware that resources are available to them.”

Speed ​​cameras in school zones

During the summer, additional radar devices were installed throughout the region, including in Baltimore County.

Be sure to slow down in school zones and near school buses.

Here is a List of speed camera locations were installed.

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