Even her salary of .2 million per episode couldn’t make Emilia Clarke love her Game of Thrones fame, which robbed her of the ability to do one thing

Even her salary of $1.2 million per episode couldn’t make Emilia Clarke love her Game of Thrones fame, which robbed her of the ability to do one thing

Fame is a double-edged sword, and those who achieve it often pay a high price for their success. Emilia Clarke of the game of Thrones Fame is no exception to this truth. While each episode of the show added a lot to her bank account, it also robbed her of the simple joys of being human.

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones | HBO
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones | Credits: HBO

For the actress, the everyday pleasure of mingling with the crowd or having casual conversation has become a rare luxury. The price of fame for her has been the loss not only of her privacy, but also of the everyday moments that most people take for granted.

The price Emilia Clarke paid for fame!

In a candid conversation with The Guardian, Emilia Clarke, known as the Mother of Dragons, spoke about her complex relationship with fame. Although she began acting at the tender age of three, it wasn’t until game of Thrones that she really became a household name. Although she had taken on various roles before landing the HBO series, it was game of Thrones that catapulted her into the spotlight.

Since then, Clarke, like many celebrities, has had to give up the luxury of normality. As she puts it:

I really struggled with this because I like talking to people.

Emilia Clarke's dog Ted / Instagram
Emilia Clarke’s dog Ted | Credits: Instagram

The only break she got during the pandemic was when she went for a walk with her dachshund Ted. Although it was only for a short time, she really appreciated these peaceful walks through the quiet streets. She said:

I just didn’t see anyone because I lived alone. Fame is the shittiest thing in the world and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It’s awful. It forces you to look down all the time. So it was very liberating to go on those dog walks by yourself and say, “Hello!”, let’s call it London for the sake of my stalkers

I made a decision many years ago and I have stuck to it. I don’t have security, I don’t go anywhere for fear of being recognized, I go about my daily life as if that weren’t the case.

The move from Los Angeles to London was a big change for her. As before the move, she had to deal with intrusive behavior from her fans. She was followed, interrupted while taking a selfie on an airplane, and even spoken to during a panic attack. To maintain her well-being, she introduced a no-selfie rule and now tries to lead as normal a life as possible.

How much Emilia Clarke made of game of Thrones

As one of the main characters in one of television’s most celebrated series, Emilia Clarke’s portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons and Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, was vital throughout the epic run, so it’s only fitting that her compensation matched her prominence on the show.

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in GoT
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones | Credits: HBO

In seasons five and six of game of ThronesClarke was said to earn $500,000 per episode, amassing a total of $10 million for her work in 20 episodes, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Her salary skyrocketed for the final season, reaching $1.2 million per episode, according to The Hollywood Reporter, and a total of $7.2 million for the final eight episodes. This impressive figure cemented her status as one of the highest-paid actresses in television history.

Additionally, it’s likely that merchandise sales and DVD/Blu-ray revenues further boosted their earnings. Just thinking about it is incredible.

Game of Thrones is streaming on Max.

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