7 Reasons to Start Your Day with Tulsi Water on an Empty Stomach

7 Reasons to Start Your Day with Tulsi Water on an Empty Stomach

Tulsi or Holy Basil has existed for thousands of years and is revered for its extensive medicinal properties. It is called Vishnupriya because of its association with Lord Vishnu and also finds mention in ancient scriptures, proving its religious significance as well as its medicinal use for treating various ailments for centuries. Tulsi belongs to the mint family and is a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used to treat Respiratory diseasesViral infections and more.
Every part of the Tulsi plant, also known as Ocimum sanctum Linn in Latin, is used in traditional medicine, including leaves, stem, flower, root, seeds, etc.

Tulsi leaves can be chewed to provide instant relief from coughs and colds. Alternatively, the leaves or seeds can be added to boiling water and strained to make a flavorful tea. Tulsi can also be steeped in warm water and the infused water drunk daily on an empty stomach. Indian basil leaves can also be used to garnish salads, cheese, meat, pesto, and egg dishes.

Benefits of Tulsi Water

Cold, cough and sore throat

Tulsi is especially useful during the rainy season as its leaves can be boiled with tea and water to relieve fever in diseases such as dengue fever, malaria and seasonal flu. Tulsi leaves can also be added to honey as an Ayurvedic cough medicine as it can help loosen mucus in respiratory diseases. Tulsi can also provide relief from a sore throat. Tulsi leaves can be boiled with water and taken orally. Tulsi water can also be used for gargling.

Improves kidney health

The many healing properties of Tulsi can also be beneficial for patients suffering from kidney stones. People suffering from kidney stones are advised to consume the juice of the leaves along with honey. Ayurvedait can be given for six months to assist in the removal of the stone through the urinary tract.

Prevents blood sugar spikes

Tulsi can help lower fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetics. According to studies published in the Global Science Research Journal, taking two to three tulsi leaves or a tablespoon of tulsi juice on an empty stomach can lower blood sugar levels. Another study found that consuming tulsi can significantly lower fasting blood sugar levels.

Helps treat skin infections

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of Tulsi are also helpful in treating skin infections. Application of Tulsi juice helps in treating fungal infections and other types of skin disorders. It can also be used to cure leukoderma.

Relieves stress

Tulsi tea

Tulsi is known as an adaptogen that helps manage mood swings and promotes calmness and mental clarity. It increases the body’s ability to adapt to changing situations.

Heart health

Indian basil is a storehouse of vitamin C and contains antioxidants such as eugenol, which protects the heart from the damaging effects of free radicals. Its antioxidant content is comparable to that of ginger, garlic, red grapes and plums.

Lowers blood pressure

Indian basil is an Ayurvedic remedy for a number of ailments, including lowering blood pressure. It is rich in potassium and vitamins A and C. For effective results, it is recommended to take Indian basil daily on an empty stomach for four to six weeks.

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