Pastor Max Lucado: Is the end time near or far? Have courage

Pastor Max Lucado: Is the end time near or far? Have courage

Pastor Max Lucado has never been an end-time preacher. It is simply not an important factor in his preaching, which is why his latest book, What Happens Next: A Guide to the End of This Age” may at first seem like a departure from his usually uplifting spiritual guidance. Doomsday predictions have become something of a cottage industry lately. But forecasters wouldn’t pursue the subject if there wasn’t widespread interest and attention to it. Although Jesus said no one but the Father would know the exact date and time, that hasn’t stopped the predictions. However, Jesus did tell his followers what conditions to look for when the end times come upon us: “wars and rumors of wars… famines and earthquakes.” But Pastor Max says the “when” of the end times isn’t nearly as important as the condition of our hearts, which we can deal with every moment of every day. In this episode of the Lighthouse Faith podcast, Pastor Max explains that the core idea of ​​his book is that when you have clarity about the future and know what your ultimate destiny is, you can be bold in the here and now and trust in God who is in control.

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