The Gujarat government plans to legalise unauthorised non-residential buildings up to a floor space index of 4.5 in rural areas.

The Gujarat government plans to legalise unauthorised non-residential buildings up to a floor space index of 4.5 in rural areas.

Gandhinagar (Gujarat) (India), August 24 (ANI): Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has decided that unauthorised non-residential buildings up to 4.5 Floor Area Index (FSI) in rural areas can now be regularised, the Chief Minister’s Office said in a press release.

The Prime Minister has taken an important decision to make the IMPACT Act in Gujarat more citizen-friendly, the Prime Minister said.

The Chief Minister’s decision reflects his public-centric approach to ensure that the Gujarat Regulation of Unauthorised Constructions Act, 2022 receives a wide response so that as many people as possible can benefit from it. He said the provision of the CMOA provides for regulation of unauthorised constructions by imposing a fee for inadequate parking space – up to 2,000 square metres for unauthorised residential constructions and up to 1,000 square metres for unauthorised non-residential constructions.

Previously, the requirement was that 50 percent of the missing parking spaces had to be provided within the property or within a radius of 500 meters.

For the remaining 50 percent, legalization of unauthorized construction projects has been permitted by collecting mandatory parking fees under the Gujarat Regulation of Unauthorized Development Act 2022.

These important decisions of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel regarding development fee will be implemented soon as per the existing procedures. (ANI)

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