The world’s oldest Siamese twins, Lori and George Schappell, have died at the age of 62

The world’s oldest Siamese twins, Lori and George Schappell, have died at the age of 62

The world’s oldest Siamese twins have died at the age of 62.

Lori and George Schappell were born in 1961 in Pennsylvania with partially fused skulls and shared vital blood vessels, as well as 30% of their brains, Guinness World Records reported.

The couple died April 7 at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, according to an obituary posted online by Leibensperger Funeral Homes. The cause of death remains unknown.

They are considered the world’s oldest living conjoined twins as of 2022 and were also the first same-sex conjoined twins to identify as opposite genders after George came out as transgender in 2007.

The Schappell twins defied all medical predictions that they would not live past the age of 30 and managed to live separate lives despite their bond.

According to Guinness World Records, George had a successful career as a country singer, while Lori won numerous awards in bowling.

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They have also appeared in numerous documentaries and on ITV’s This Morning in September 2011 to talk about their lives.

Footage of the couple showed the physically able-bodied Lori pushing George, who suffered from spina bifida, around on a wheelchair-like stool.

They lived in a two-bedroom apartment in Pennsylvania and were able to pursue separate hobbies and shower separately.

When asked if they wanted to live apart in a 1997 documentary, George said, “Absolutely not. My theory is: why fix something that isn’t broken?”

Lori and George leave behind their father, six siblings, several nieces and nephews and an extended family of friends, the obituaries say.

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