Historian welcomes Trinidad’s plan to remove Columbus ships from coat of arms | Trinidad and Tobago

Historian welcomes Trinidad’s plan to remove Columbus ships from coat of arms | Trinidad and Tobago

The government of Trinidad and Tobago wants to remove the image of three ships of Christopher Columbus from its coat of arms, a move one historian praises as an important step to correct historical inaccuracies and shake off colonial identities.

The Caribbean country’s Prime Minister Keith Rowley announced a plan on August 18 to replace the ships with a replica of Trinidad and Tobago’s national instrument, the steelpan.

The ships pictured are those used by Columbus in his expeditions to the Caribbean, which paved the way for centuries of European colonial rule and slavery in the region.

In recent years, Caribbean countries have fought back against what they see as the false narrative that Columbus discovered their islands, which were in fact inhabited when he arrived. Some have even removed references to the Italian explorer’s discovery from their national holidays.

However, there was public fear that removing the ships from the coat of arms would erase important moments in Trinidad and Tobago’s history.

Dr. Claudius Fergus, historian and chairman of the National Committee on Reparations, said: “This is not an attack on Caribbean history. It is not an attempt to erase it but to correct it… Every generation has a duty to reinterpret its history and to correct the falsehoods on which part of that history is based.”

The committee is a local branch of the Caricom Reparations Commission, a Caribbean-wide organization that demands justice and compensation from institutions and governments for crimes committed during the transatlantic slave trade.

Fergus, who has long campaigned for the removal of colonial symbols from the country, welcomed the announcement as an important step towards eliminating the country’s colonial identity.

Rowley received applause when he announced his decision for the change at a congress of his party, the People’s National Movement.

He said: “Do you see the three Columbus boats in the emblem? They will sail. And we have enough votes in Parliament for that. I can already announce that this change, once the law has been amended, should take place before September 24th.”

Fergus described the replacement of ships with the steelpan as significant. “The steelpan was born in Laventille, on the outskirts (of the capital, Port of Spain) – some would call it the ghetto – and the steelpan from the beginning faced extreme racism and class prejudice from society, the church and many politicians… so it was a slow progression towards support until the steelpan is accepted today,” he said.

But Rowley’s announcement has divided public opinion in Trinidad and Tobago. There were differing views on the issue in Woodford Square in Port of Spain, known as the place where the country’s first Prime Minister, Eric Williams, gave some of his most important speeches.

Roberto, who did not want to give his full name, believed the government needed to prioritize other issues. He said: “There are people living below the poverty line. That is the first thing I would deal with.” He was also concerned about the potential impact on people’s knowledge of their history. He added: “If they erase that history, who will teach my children and grandchildren their history?”

Brunan Tavernier, a telecommunications worker, called the question of colonial identity irrelevant. “It has nothing to do with crime or anything else that is going on in the country,” he said.

For others, the withdrawal of the ships is an important decision. “It is high time,” said Yafeu Iregi, adding that he hoped it would signal a change in the status quo for the Caribbean islands.

The planned removal of the ships is just one part of the national debate about colonial identity. On Wednesday, a Cabinet-appointed committee will review the placement of statues, monuments and signs in Trinidad and Tobago and hold a public consultation to gauge views on the issue.

Trinidad and Tobago’s announcement is part of a growing trend in Caribbean countries breaking away from colonial identities and traditional structures. In 2022, Barbados deposed the British monarch as head of state, and other Caribbean countries are now exploring the possibility of following suit.

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