Horoscope for today, August 25, 2024: The last days of Mercury retrograde

Horoscope for today, August 25, 2024: The last days of Mercury retrograde

The final days of Mercury retrograde shine a light on our wonderfully flawed attempts at life. Even when we’re trying our best, we sometimes trip over our own feet. And that’s just how it should be. Imagine the sheer boredom of a perfectly choreographed life. It’s these little mishaps and blunders that teach us the dance steps to get it right. Get it wrong, learn, laugh, and celebrate the stumbles.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19) As a savvy conversationalist, you don’t try to control the conversation, but simply steer it toward feel-good topics and hope for the best. You listen and learn, giving you an advantage over those who just talk.

BULL (April 20 – May 20). With exciting things happening around you, you value and need space to process events and recover. You find peace in modest, quiet scenes and recover in silence and solitude.

TWINS (May 21 – June 21). Put your worries in a box, tape it shut, and deal with the things that aren’t packed yet – everything else, that is. Putting a few things in drawers will allow you to enjoy the rest unhindered.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22). Love in a relationship will be your rock. You can’t go wrong if you make the people who bring you great joy your top priority. Stay close through the storms and the calm. In the end, it’s the simple, consistent moments that count the most.

LION (July 23 – August 22) Important work is driven by deadlines, which doesn’t feel good, but stress makes things get done. That’s why it’s called a (SET ITAL)dead(END ITAL)line rather than a (SET ITAL)live(END ITAL)line, meaning the project won’t continue unless it’s turned in by a certain date.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22). When you don’t feel love, you don’t seem to find it anywhere. And when you feel love, it seems to fill the whole world. The grass sings love songs to the sun; the sky and the mountains embrace. So it is today.

SCALE (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have an excellent sense of other people’s motivations and intentions. You don’t have to say much before you’ve already figured out their goal. Even if you think they’re acting unintentionally, you know what they want.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) People talk. There isn’t a decision you make that won’t be mentioned in some way. So make decisions you can stand behind with pride, regardless of the talk. Own your decision and move forward with confidence.

PROTECT (November 22 – December 21). Relationships and circumstances that are contrary to your goal have come to a standstill. This is because there are no common interests, and in this case it is a welcome sign of progress. It is small, emotional in nature, and could not happen on any other day.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19). It is important to push yourself. Your motivation will match your intention. If you want to do something difficult, your motivation will increase to take on the challenge.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18). Feel your way forward and you’ll be lucky. Trying to figure out the way forward is less promising. The future never comes, but until it completely leaves us, we love it anyway. It’s the hopeful presence that keeps us dreaming and marching on.

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