Stranded without water: Telangana man dies in Saudi Arabian desert after losing GPS signal

Stranded without water: Telangana man dies in Saudi Arabian desert after losing GPS signal

A man from Telangana died of dehydration and exhaustion in the Rub al-Khali desert in Saudi Arabia.

Mohammad Shehzad Khan, 27, was in the middle of the desolate and dangerous part of the desert, the Empty Quarter, according to a report in NDTV.

He lives in Karimnagar and has worked for a telecommunications company in the Gulf state for the past three years.

The incident occurred when Khan and his Sudanese companion got lost in the desert after their GPS signal failed. Things went downhill from there after their vehicle ran out of gas and their phone battery died. The couple, unable to call for help, were left without food or water in the scorching heat.

As the duo fought to survive, the extreme temperatures and lack of assistance led to their deaths from severe dehydration and exhaustion, the publication reported.

Four days later, on Thursday, their bodies were found next to the vehicle.

Known for its harsh conditions, Rub’ al-Khali stretches across the southern regions of Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries. It is one of the driest regions in the world and is largely uninhabited and unexplored.

Published 25 August 2024, 07:40 IS

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