Surprising letter from Mi’kmaw chiefs thwarts Nazi minister’s attempt to speed up federal law

Surprising letter from Mi’kmaw chiefs thwarts Nazi minister’s attempt to speed up federal law

Nova Scotia’s call to speed up passage of a federal law on offshore wind projects suffered a setback Thursday when a Senate committee received a letter from Mi’kmaw chiefs expressing concerns about the speed at which the law is coming into force.

Tory Rushton, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Renewable Energy, told the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources that the Mi’kmaq are “partners” and “supporters” of the province’s “transition to clean energy.”

But Senator Mary Jane McCallum of Manitoba told Rushton during his testimony that the committee had received a letter from the Assembly of Mi’kmaw Chiefs of Nova Scotia raising numerous concerns about Bill C-49, including that the required consultation process had not been followed.

“Mi’kmaw leadership was unaware of the bill and was unable to evaluate it, provide feedback on it, or meaningfully participate in something that will have a significant impact on them and their territory,” said the letter, which McCallum read during the meeting.

“Given the importance and scope of this bill, and its far-reaching implications for the assessment of offshore renewable energy projects, we have serious concerns about the prospect of it being rushed through committee.”

Bill C-49 amends separate offshore agreements between Canada and Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. It would allow joint provincial and federal offshore petroleum authorities to oversee the development of offshore wind projects.

Minister surprised by concerns

Rushton, who travelled to Ottawa with a small delegation that included representatives from the Mi’kmaw communities of Membertou and Potlotek, said this was the first time he had heard of any problems with the bill.

“I spoke to the bosses this week, but I never raised this,” Rushton told the committee. “To be honest, this is the first I’ve heard of this letter.”

He said further discussions were “absolutely” needed to address any concerns raised by Mi’kmaw chiefs in Nova Scotia.

The Assembly of Mi’kmaw Chiefs of Nova Scotia confirmed Thursday that it had written to the committee outlining its concerns, but no one was available to discuss the contents of the letter.

CBC News obtained a copy of the letter, which was signed by Chief Sidney Peters, the assembly’s co-chair.

Peters wrote that the assembly wanted more time to analyze the bill and “its potential impact on our constitutionally protected rights and Mi’kma’ki waters.”

The letter goes on to say that the Assembly will discuss its concerns with the committee.

“We hope that there will be an opportunity to discuss and address these concerns with the Senate Committee and that this letter marks the beginning of a more intense and meaningful dialogue between the Assembly and the Senate at the national level,” the letter concludes.

Senate committee chairman Paul Massicotte told members Thursday that they would hear the chiefs’ comments in early September before moving forward with consideration of the bill.

“You will receive a full hearing as we will convene a meeting specifically for that purpose,” Massicotte said.

Delay could be costly, warns Rushton

Rushton later told CBC News that while he was surprised by the police chiefs’ concerns, he did not see it as a setback to his efforts to expedite passage of Bill C-49.

“This is new information that has been presented to me and I think my history has proven that whenever a problem arises, I always deal with it,” he said from Ottawa airport.

The government in Houston had hoped to introduce such legislation in early autumn.

Rushton said they would have to wait until the bill was passed at the federal level, but warned that any delay “could jeopardise huge investments this financial year by many investors who are waiting for a regulatory regime to be put in place.”

“It is very important that this bill is passed as soon as possible,” Rushton said.

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