Revolutionary music discovery with the rise of Floor 13

Revolutionary music discovery with the rise of Floor 13

The music industry is in the midst of a massive change. Traditional artist development is increasingly fading into memory and being overshadowed by metrics and trends. But don’t worry, as a new player, Floor 13was created with the aim of revolutionizing music discovery and promoting real talent.

The changing landscape of music discovery

In today’s fast-paced music industry, layoffs are commonplace and the relentless pursuit of artists with high streaming revenues dominates. Record labels, lacking resources and high overheads, focus on fleeting trends rather than real talent. The result? Real artist development is neglected and many promising artists go unnoticed.

As many may know, A&R (Artists and Repertoire) departments have historically been the gatekeepers of talent, responsible for finding and promoting new artists. However, the traditional A&R model is under pressure. Limited resources, high costs and an overwhelming focus on commercial success have weakened the role of A&Rs. This shift has left a gap in the industry where many talented artists struggle to break through.

Enter floor 13

Floor 13 is a groundbreaking music distribution company that has cracked the code to new music discovery. By enabling any music lover with a smartphone to become an A&R and turning them into a partner, Floor 13 is revolutionizing the way talent is discovered and nurtured. Whether or not you live in major hubs like New York or LA, you can sign up to Floor 13 and start signing artists.

One of the most innovative aspects of Floor 13 is its community-driven approach. It allows passionate music lovers from all over the world to become A&Rs. This democratization of the music discovery process opens doors for individuals who would otherwise not have access to traditional industry networks. It also means that talent can be discovered in the most unexpected places.

Experienced industry veterans show the way

Floor 13 is not just another startup. In fact, it is a company founded and run by experienced industry veterans. These professionals have spent years building some of the biggest names in music and leaving an industry that underestimated them behind. Now they bring their expertise to Floor 13 and help reshape the future of music. Their experience and knowledge are invaluable to the company and its partners.

At Floor 13, finding talent is just the beginning. As an A&R partner, you’ll not only discover artists, but also promote them with best-in-class marketing, social media and playlist placement strategies. The company carefully reviews data and analytics to ensure you’re always focusing on what matters most. This detailed and practical support system sets artists up for success from day one.

When it’s time to expand, Floor 13 is there to invest in your artist or secure private funding – all with the artist’s consent. This flexibility ensures artists have the resources they need to advance their careers without being limited by traditional industry constraints. It’s a holistic approach to artist development that focuses on long-term success.

Share in the success

Another amazing aspect of Floor 13 is the A&R partner model. Partners share royalties for the duration of the contract and act as project managers and key links between the artist and the company. There is no cap on the number of artists you can sign. If you have the bandwidth, Floor 13 will support you. This model not only motivates partners, but also fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the artists they discover.

Facilitating important career steps

When your artist is ready for the next big step – whether it’s signing with a major label or attracting private investment – ​​Floor 13 can and will ease the transition. This seamless integration provides artists with the best possible opportunities to advance their careers while maintaining the support and guidance they’ve come to rely on.

Still, Floor 13 is a full-service music company that goes beyond distribution, offering everything from sync and branding to catalog growth and sales. With a marketing team that has worked with artists like Miley Cyrus, Lil Nas X, and Ice Spice, Floor 13 is able to take your artist’s career to the next level. This comprehensive package of services provides artists with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive environment.

Rewriting the rules of A&R

Overall, Floor 13 is rewriting the rules of artist development and A&R. By leveraging technology and community-focused approaches, the company is creating a more inclusive and innovative industry. Their new model puts talent and passion above metrics.

The future of music discovery – join the revolution

The future of music discovery is bright, and Floor 13 is leading the way. By democratizing the A&R process and empowering artists, the company is setting a new standard for the industry. As more professionals and music lovers join the platform, the potential to discover and nurture true talent will grow.

If you’re passionate about music and want to be part of a movement that’s reshaping the industry, Floor 13 is the platform for you. Sign up today and discover the next big artists. Whether you’re an industry veteran or a music lover with an eye for talent, there’s a place for you at Floor 13. In an industry where true talent often takes a back seat to metrics and trends, Floor 13 is a breath of fresh air. By giving music lovers the opportunity to become A&Rs and offering artists comprehensive support, the company is revolutionizing music discovery. Are you ready to revolutionize music discovery? Sign up now at Floor 13 and discover the next big artists.

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