NC Fast Facts: Over 17,000 AT&T workers strike in 9 states, including NC

NC Fast Facts: Over 17,000 AT&T workers strike in 9 states, including NC

(Steven Senne / AP Photo)

MONTGOMERY, Alabama – More than 17,000 AT&T employees in nine southeastern states – including North Carolina – are on strike after accusing the company of unfair labor practices during collective bargaining negotiations this summer.

The Communications Workers of America union – which represents the striking employees – said the workers walked off the job last Friday because AT&T was not negotiating in good faith. The workers have been trying to negotiate a new contract since June. The union said AT&T did not send representatives with decision-making authority to the bargaining table and that the company deviated from the agreements made in the collective agreement.


“Our union entered into negotiations in good faith to achieve a fair contract. Yet at the bargaining table, we encountered company representatives who were unable to explain their bargaining proposals and did not appear to have the actual bargaining authority required by the legal obligation to negotiate in good faith,” said Richard Honeycutt, vice president of CWA District 3 in the Southeast, in a statement.

The strike involves AT&T technicians, customer service representatives and others who install, maintain and support AT&T’s landline telecommunications network for homes and businesses. Workers are affected in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

The union filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the National Labor Relations Board.

AT&T denied the union’s allegations.

“The CWA’s allegations of unfair labor practices are not based on facts. We have been engaged in substantive negotiations since day one and are committed to reaching an agreement that benefits our hard-working employees,” the company said in an emailed statement. AT&T said it has reached three separate agreements for more than 13,000 employees this year.

On Monday, the union accused AT&T of “sending under-qualified managers and contract workers to highly technical work” during the strike. AT&T said it had “implemented a variety of business continuity measures to avoid service interruptions and will continue to provide our customers with the excellent service they expect.”

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