Water stage, ropes, cloths. Unique circus north of Edmonton

Water stage, ropes, cloths. Unique circus north of Edmonton

The travelling circus presents 17 artists from all over the world on a specially constructed water stage

Cirque Italia, a water spectacle, will delight audiences in St. Albert. Set under a large blue and white tent in the parking lot of the St. Albert Centre Mall, Water Circus Gold The show features European-style performances that create a moving and dramatic experience.

Cirque Italia, founded in 2012 by Manuel Rebecchi, brings together 17 circus artists from Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and Canada. The acrobats perform high-energy, split-second tricks with ropes, scarves, trapezes, juggling cones and archery, pushing the limits of human capabilities.

The large tent can accommodate 1,500 people. The tent’s boldest element is the central water stage, of which there are only three in the world. It contains 35,000 gallons of water that creates mesmerizing fountains and rain curtains in perfect time with the performers.

To create these poetic visions, 27 computers are needed to synchronize the water with the music, said Alex Acero, lead actor and circus director.

The basic plot revolves around a 5-year-old girl who, while watching television, is drawn into the 1950s, an era that gave birth to poodle skirts, Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. The ringmaster takes her hand and leads her into the magical adventure, Acero said.

Rebecchi was initially inspired by the element of water, which is so versatile and necessary to our lives. By adding laser lights, soap bubbles and pop music, he created another dimension of circus arts – one that speaks to the inner child in each of us.

“This is a unique show and the only one of its kind shown in Canada and the United States. It’s special to see it in your own backyard,” Acero said.

There are seven two-hour shows running at various times from August 22-25. Tickets range from $35 to $80. For more ticket information, visit gold.cirqueitalia.com.

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