Avoid these water hazards during your summer recreation

Avoid these water hazards during your summer recreation

Summer isn’t over yet! With the warm weather, many Californians are looking forward to some water fun. Before you head out, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) wants to ask you to be safe while you’re at the lake or other fast-flowing bodies of water.

Before heading to any body of water, remember these important water safety tips:

  • Things to know before your trip: Please check the status of the park/waterway before departure to be aware of any restrictions and guidelines in place.
  • Do you know the water: Avoid cold, fast-flowing water. It can be dangerous not only for you but also for first responders.
  • Know your limits: Swimming in open water is more strenuous than in a pool – you get tired more quickly and can get into trouble.
  • Find out about life jackets Although wearing life jackets is strongly recommended when in or near bodies of water, the high levels of river runoff expected this year may be dangerous even when using life jackets.
  • Know how to supervise Actively supervise children in and around open water. Don’t assume anyone is watching them. Designate a “water watcher” to take turns with other adults.

Here are some potential dangers you should be aware of:

Fast water and river currents

Avoid these water hazards during your summer recreation

Fast water and river currents can be dangerous or fatal to even the best swimmers. If you find yourself caught in a river current, stay calm to conserve energy and think clearly. Lie on your back and keep your feet in front of you so you can fend off rocks as you float downstream. When it’s safe, swim out of the current toward shore. Not If you try to stand up, your feet may get stuck under water.

Remember that even if the water appears calm on the surface, there may be strong currents at depth, so be extra cautious.

Wood scraps, stones and sharp objects

Pile of branches and wood scraps on the shore of a lake

Be aware of rocks and wood debris in the water and on the banks of rivers, lakes and bodies of water. Large pieces of wood debris can cause injury or even drowning. When branches, logs or rocks pile up, only water can get through, so they pose a danger to swimmers. If a person is drawn into a pile of wood debris in the water, they can become trapped or caught in it.

For their safety, swimmers should check the water and stay away from any debris.

Pollutants in water

dark green algae floating in murky, dark water.

In addition to the underwater deposits, there is also the possibility that pollutants are present in the water. Cyanobacteria, better known as Blue-green algae, is one of the more hidden dangers that form in lakes. The toxic algae are caused by various environmental factors, including rising climate temperatures.

Blue-green algae can produce neurotoxins that are harmful to humans and pets if ingested. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and other flu-like symptoms can occur within hours of leaving the water.

The safest way to stay safe is to keep yourself, your children and your pets away from contaminated water.

Although not all types of algae are considered harmful, cyanobacteria can be deadly. Check your lake’s water warnings and listen to authorities.

Water information sign with green, yellow and red scales. Above the yellow scale there is a small arrow with the inscription "Caution"

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