Westlake Tennis Club hosts 19th annual charity dinner dance event

Westlake Tennis Club hosts 19th annual charity dinner dance event

Westlake Tennis Club hosts 19th annual charity dinner dance event
Gail Kornfeld (left) joins Arlene Goldman, Allan Kornfeld, Barry Edelstein, Paul Small, Sherry Hecker, Linda Lafer, Dennis Lafer, Helene Kleinwaks and Norm Kersh during the Westlake Tennis Club’s recent fundraiser in the Westlake Community Clubhouse ballroom. (Photo courtesy of Linda Lafer, Westlake Tennis Club)

JACKSON – It was an unforgettable evening for Westlake Tennis Club members and guests who filled the clubhouse ballroom for the 19th annual dinner dance benefitting Autism New Jersey and POAC (Parents of Autistic Children).

Linda Lafer, a member of the Westlake board, also handles outreach for various groups within the community. She said, “People have come to support the tennis club, but more importantly, they have come to support autism research. We have an end-of-year event that is more for tennis club members, but this is a fundraiser that is open to others as well because it is a fundraiser and we want to raise as much money as possible for autism research.”

“We want to show that our club is not just about sports. We do a lot of other things,” Lafer added. “Unfortunately, our tennis courts are currently closed. They are being restored. Due to the popularity of pickleball, this is now also an official club. It is very popular.”

About 150 people attended the annual fundraiser, which was started in 2003 by Howard Lazan, a longtime Westlake resident. Lazan’s nephew was diagnosed with autism and in 2007, after his death, Arlene and Steve Friedland decided to continue his mission to improve services.

Westlake Tennis Club member John Filipek (left) meets with club president Lauren Filipek, Arlene Friedland, co-coordinator of the club’s 19th annual Autism Dinner Dance, and her husband Steve Friedland, who is also co-coordinator of the event. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

The special evening began with a wine and cheese party in the Westlake lobby. The invitees and their guests dressed in their finest attire. The ballroom was magnificently decorated, with colorful napkins and a floral arrangement on each table. The musical duo Twice the Spice played songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

There was salad, bread and a dinner buffet with chicken marsala, cavatelli broccoli, flounder with almonds and mixed vegetables. There was lemonade, coffee, tea and ice cream roll cake. Wine was available at the bar.

Official receptionists Sue Sullivan (left) and Jacquie Karlinat bring smiles to the crowd in the Westlake clubhouse during the Westlake Tennis Club’s recent dinner dance, which also included raffle tickets. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

Co-coordinator Steve Friedland reported that the 50/50 raffle tickets raised $3,680, of which $1,840 went directly to benefit children with autism and their families. Three lucky winners were announced during the event. Prior to that evening, over $125,000 had been raised through the generosity of the Westlake Tennis Club and other community residents.

“Special thanks go out to Arlene and Steve Friedland and their many volunteers who spent countless hours making such a successful fundraiser possible. The club also appreciates the outstanding service provided by Tony Russo and his staff. The support of Joe McClosky, clubhouse director, and SuzAnne Smith, assistant clubhouse director, was also invaluable,” said Lafer.

Steve Friedland addresses the audience at a recent Westlake Tennis Club fundraiser where $3,680 was raised through the 50/50 raffle tickets, of which $1,840 will go directly to supporting autistic children and their families. (Photo courtesy of Linda Lafer, Westlake Tennis Club)

“Kathy Romeo and Karen Farrar’s Sparkles hair events raised $1,500.10 for Autism Support,” Lafer added.

She reminded Westlake residents to bring used tennis balls for shelter dogs to either 33 Shoal Road or 66 Merion Lane, upon request from the animal adoption organization WAGs.

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