Lovelytheband’s latest album navigates the ups and downs of life – The State Hornet

Lovelytheband’s latest album navigates the ups and downs of life – The State Hornet

LA-based alt-pop trio lovelytheband released their fourth studio album on August 23rd via Happy Accident Records/Vidia, ahead of their nationwide “Here’s Your Flowers” ​​tour with pop-punk artist Mod Sun.

Over the past few months, the band has been releasing a steady stream of new songs, from the upbeat “Nice to Know You” to the self-reflective “Rock Bottom.” With today’s album release, seven more songs were revealed.

Mitchy Collins, singer of lovelytheband, said the music on their current album is a “patchwork” of the band’s entire history, with some songs written five years ago and others in the last few months.

“As a self-titled album, it’s a good summary of where we’ve been and where we’re going,” Collins said.

Lovelytheband made an explosive debut with their catchy single “Broken,” which spent nine weeks at number one on the Billboard Alternative charts and stayed on the charts for a record-breaking 76 weeks.

“Having a first record and a song this big is both a blessing and a curse,” Collins said, but early success couldn’t stop lovelytheband from holding on to their identity.

“We are who we are, we make the songs we make,” Collins said.

Band members Collins and guitarist Jordan Greenwald met in a West Hollywood nightclub in 2017, shortly before they contacted drummer Sam Price via Instagram and formed the band.

“We all kind of became friends along the way,” Collins said, recalling that the band was on tour just two months after their first show. “We had to become friends very quickly. Luckily, it worked out.”

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The band’s distinctive style features candid lyrics about mental health, accompanied by upbeat melodies, such as their popular song “Sail Away,” which is about escaping feelings of regret.

“I often find myself in this constant up and down cycle of my life where I want to destroy myself to get better and then come out the other end with what I think are some good songs,” Collins said. “I feel like if I don’t do that, I’m like, ‘Where is the creativity going to come from?'”

Collins shared his favorite songs from the new album, including “What Have I Been Missing” and “Make It Real,” and saved the best for last, the album’s final track, “When Your Heart Remembers.”

“It’s probably one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written,” Collins said.

Lovelytheband will play a show at Sacramento’s Ace of Spades on September 30th accompanied by Mod Sun and with support from indie artist No Love For The Middle Child.

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