Boerne has a lot of baseball talent. What’s in the water?

Boerne has a lot of baseball talent. What’s in the water?

BOERNE, Texas – Any athlete will tell you that it takes hard work and dedication to be successful.

Boerne has produced many athletic talents in recent years, including the players on the Little League team that is hoping to win a World Series title.

So what about the winning streak in Boerne?

KSAT’s Patty Santos wanted to find out what’s in the Hill Country community’s water.

Ben Woodchick, head coach and former player on the Boerne champion baseball team, grew up in the area and says the baseball talent in this part of the Hill Country has always been special.

“You look back at all the greats that came through here and played. And I grew up not far away. I was 20 minutes down the road. I had some cousins ​​in the community and I knew every baseball player that came through here. So there’s just so much tradition,” he said.

Woodchick said it requires the commitment and passion that great athletes naturally have, and that the driving force is parents.

“The support of our parents is unmatched. These kids, like I said, have played baseball, a lot of them play football. They come to our summer workouts. They do things on their own. I’ve talked to some of their private teachers that they’ve been with for a number of years, and the parents are very involved with them, it’s unbelievable,” he said.

A native of Boerne, Bradley Suttle played on Boerne teams as a child and was drafted by the New York Yankees after playing for the University of Texas.

“I don’t know if there’s anything special about being in the water other than it’s really tough, literally,” he joked. “But I can tell you that in Boerne, I think it takes a few things to develop like that. It takes great parents, it takes a great community, great coaching. And I think we have great families in Boerne. We have an incredible amount of people who have gotten back into coaching.”

More coverage of Boerne Little League:

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