How to make herbal antibiotics in 7 Days To Die

How to make herbal antibiotics in 7 Days To Die

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Among all the different injuries and status effects in 7 Days To DieInfection is one of the most common. Almost every enemy in the game can infect you with it, so you should always be prepared for it when you are far from your base.

It may not seem so bad at first, but as in real life, the worse an infection gets, the worse the effects on your character. You should cure an infection as quickly as possible, otherwise you could meet your end somewhere in the wild.

Infections, explained

Summary of player characters with a focus on their infection and the effects in 7 Days To Die.

An infection is one of several status effects You can get related to your healthAnd you have the chance to get one anytime attacked by a zombie or animalboth normal and as a zombie.

An infection has four levelswhich occur when reached a certain percentageand outside the first phase, each of them has negative effects on you until it finally kills you in the fourth stage.

Being hit by enemies increases the infection rateAnd Every hit while you are infected has a greater chance You get more infections.

Both normal and zombie animals have a
increased likelihood of inflicting
with an infection.

Any infection you get always starts smallnormally at about 0.1 to 0.12 percent for the first hit that gives you the infection.

It gradually gets worse over time in the game at a rate of ,1 percent per real minute, with a total value of six real hours to reach the final stage an infection if left untreated.

Infection stage



Stage 1

0 to 14%

No effects other than increasing infection.

Level 2

15% to 57%

Reduces stamina regeneration by 25%.

Level 3

58% to 100%

Reduces stamina regeneration by 35% and lowers all attributes by one.

Level 4


The infection kills instantly You.

How to cure an infection

Player character looks at the status of his treated infection in the menu in 7 Days To Die.

Outside stage four, the infection can be treated at any time with the use of AntibioticsA Glass of honeyor Herbal antibioticseach of which heals a different amount the infection.


Percentage of infections treated



Herbal antibiotics


Glass of honey


Included gives you the status of the treated infectionwhich either pauses or prevents the spread the infection depending on the percentage And weakens the effects the stage of infection.

You can
Take vitamins
from infection
Reduce your chances of getting one
but they will not cure if you take them while you have an infection.

Infection stage

Effects of treatment

Stage 1

No effects.

Level 2

Reduces stamina regeneration by 12.5%.

Level 3

Reduces stamina regeneration by 17% and lowers all attributes by one.

If the Antibiotic type covers enough of the infection rate it will disappear as soon as the percentage is gonebut if not, then must take more of it to get rid of it effectively.

How to get honey

Player character stands in front of a tree stump from which he can get a jar of honey in 7 Days To Die.

Jars of honey are the earliest and simplest An infection removal item that you can get in the game, but it cures the lowest percentage of infections of all three at five percent.

It can occasionally be found inside Lootable medicine cabinets and medical suppliesas well as Pop-N-Pills boxes and all functional vending machineboth within a dealer zone and in any building.

There is also a Chance to get a jar of honey if complete Harvesting a tree stumpand the Wasteland Treasures: Honey Book also gives you a five percent chance to get them from Harvesting normal trees.

How to get herbal antibiotics

Player character is busy making some herbal antibiotics at the campfire in 7 Days To Die.

The second easiest way to cure your infection with herbal antibioticshow they can be produced in large quantities as long as you have a Cooking pot for your campfirethe materials for it, and you have Read at least 30 books from medical journals.

It can also be
purchased from dealers
but it is
rarely that it appears
compared to “jar of honey” and regular antibiotics, and Trader Jen is still the most likely to have it in stock.


How to get

Required quantity


Harvest of Blueberry plants found by chance in Snow biome.

Loot from cupboards, food pileRefrigerators or Cabinets.

Purchased by traders like Trader Bob or Trader Jen.

Grown from blueberry seeds on a farm property.



Harvesting mushroom plants in underground caves like in the Canyon Mine or Mushroom Mining Company.

Loot from cupboards, Garbage heap, Cartonsor weathered backpacks.

Purchased by traders like Trader Bob or Trader Jen.

Grown in a field from mushroom spore seeds.



Harvest of Chrysanthemum plants found in the Forest biome.

Loot from Cartons, Garbage heapTrash cans or cupboards.

Purchased by traders like Trader Bob or Trader Jen.

Grown from chrysanthemum seeds on a farm plot.


Nitrate powder

Harvest of Corpses or body bags found outside and inside buildings like the mausoleums in the Burnt forest and snowy forest.

Harvesting white, blue or purple stacked bags in buildings like Carl’s Corn.

Mined from Nitrate rocks found randomly all over the world in all biomes.

Purchased by traders such as Trader Jen and Trader Hugh.



Purchased from functional vending machines within dealer zones or buildings.

Purified from murky water in a Campfire with cooking pot attached.

Purchased from any dealer.

Occasionally found inside Refrigerators, coolerVending machines or Shamway crates.


How to get antibiotics

Player character looks at Trader Jen's stocks in 7 Days To Die and sees antibiotics for sale.

The rarest but most effective option to cure an infection conventional antibioticsas they 25 percent treat your infection.

It is very rare to find while looting Medical care And Medical cabinets, and easy more common in Pop-N-Pills boxes And ShopsYou can also bought from Traders for 720 Dukes, but they are also a rare find.

easiest Pop-N-Pills store to visit and empty
out is in the desert just up the road from Trader Bob at
Coordinates 289E and 651S

You can also Craft Antibioticsbut they require Reading at least 60 books from the Medical Journaland you need access to a Campfire with the mug Upgrade for that, that is rarely found and rather expensive to buy at 1,500 Dukes.


How to get

Required quantity

Old Sham Sandwich

Looted from a variety of things, such as Cabinets, Garbage heapRefrigerators, Trash canweathered sports bags and Garbage cans.

Purchased by traders like Trader Rekt or Trader Jen.


Nitrate powder

Harvest of Corpses or body bags can be found outside and inside Buildings like the mausoleums in the Burnt forest and snowy forest.

Harvesting white, blue or purple stacked bags in buildings like Carl’s Corn.

Mined from Nitrate rocks found randomly all over the world in all biomes.

Purchased by traders such as Trader Jen and Trader Hugh.



Purchased from functional vending machines within dealer zones or buildings.

Purified from murky water in a Campfire with cooking pot attached.

Purchased from any dealer.

Occasionally found inside Refrigerators, cooleror Shamway boxes.


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