Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 Review

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 Review

The inconsistent quality of Twilight blurred means that despite some visual quirks in episode 8, it delivers strong humor. “A Real Trashy Boyfriend” introduces our new central love duo, Shion (Soma Saito) and Rei (Takuya Eguchi). Their personalities are the most opposite yet. Their divisive differences and Shion’s direct and confident nature make for some of the series’ most significant laugh-out-loud moments yet.

Shion is different from the other main characters we have seen in the story. While the other protagonists keep their wishes to themselves – at first – Shion is blunt and direct when it comes to what he wants. Namely a friend. Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 wastes no time in making this clear. He introduces himself to the film club by telling the members that he only wants to join to find a friend.

After being bullied for his sexuality in middle school, transferring to an all-boys high school opened up new opportunities for him. As Shojo’s lover, his goal is to emulate that kind of romance by seeking a prince to kidnap him. The reality, however, is more difficult, as Twilight blurred changes our expectations.

His first goal is to find a club and a boyfriend soon after. The problem is that every time he joins a club, he finds that he is surprisingly capable. He becomes the star player of the hockey and baseball teams before being recruited to the sport of track and field for his strength. Yes, they make him physically fit, but none of them bring him a romantic partner.

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8

This sequence is hilarious as our expectations are subverted by sillier, friendlier approaches. And Shion’s strength remains a running gag throughout episode 8. This makes his final decision to join the film club all the better, as he had initially rejected it because he wanted to appeal to “cool” guys rather than film geeks. But after seeing the members for himself, he’s willing to join. However, the club’s former vice president, Rei, quickly clouds Shion’s potential meeting. He tells Shion that he has no chance of finding a friend in this club.

It’s just one of many misunderstandings, made even more difficult by Rei’s deadpan attitude toward Shion, who wears his heart on his sleeve. Rei didn’t mean to offend Shion; he just thought none of the members were his type. But after finding him crying, Rei offers to be his boyfriend and they kiss. It’s sweet, but almost too comfortable. Until we, along with Shion, realize that Rei is a “piece of scum” and isn’t willing to give up his personality for any partners.

It’s a hilarious realization, especially because it’s first delivered by Rei’s friends. They all advise Shion to run away and break up. It’s not that Rei is a bad guy, but he’s inattentive and caught up in his own thoughts. Much to his friend’s dismay, he can’t bring himself to clean up after himself or even eat properly. Soma Saito delivers a stellar voice performance, perfectly conveying the character’s mix of desperation and defiance in the face of this new relationship hurdle. Sure, Rei won’t answer his texts and yes, he initially only kissed him to make him cry, but Shion isn’t going to let that stop him.

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 succeeds because Shion is so fully fleshed out as a character. He doesn’t hide his sexuality. And he doesn’t hide from Rei’s inability to be a good boyfriend. Instead, he proclaims that he will make Rei a better partner, no matter how Herculean that may seem. Even if the show can’t get rid of its flaws, it at least knows how to write appealing and often hilarious characters.

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 is now available on Crunchyroll.

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8


In brief

Twilight Out Of Focus Episode 8 is successful because Shion is so fully fleshed out as a character. While the series can’t shake off its weaknesses, it at least knows how to write engaging and often hilarious characters.

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