Draft law on the compulsory storage of firearms in the plenary hall

Draft law on the compulsory storage of firearms in the plenary hall

Contact your Member of Parliament today!

Next week is the final week of the 2024 California legislative session. There is one bill left that sportsmen must recommend to their state legislators to reject – Senate Bill 53, a law requiring mandatory firearms storage. Last week, SB 53 passed the House Budget Committee and is now on the floor of the Assembly, where it could receive its third and final reading at any time.

SB 53 requires that a person may not keep or store a firearm in a residence owned or controlled by him or her unless the firearm meets both of the following conditions:

(a) Be kept in a locked box or safe that is on the Ministry of Justice’s list of approved security devices; and

(b) be properly secured so that the firearm is inaccessible to persons other than the owner or another legally authorized user.

As previously reported, the Sportsmen’s Alliance values ​​the safe storage of firearms. But not when the government dictates exactly how that storage must be done in OUR own homes and only with approved equipment, and when California already has some of the strictest firearm storage laws.

Please use the ‘Take Action’ button to contact your Member and ask him/her to vote ‘No’ on the issue.

Don’t forget to pass this important warning on to your family, friends, fellow sportsmen and gun owners. Ask them to also take action and contact their State Assembly member and urge them to oppose SB 53. The Golden State needs all of its fellow sportsmen and gun owners to remain actively involved in the fight to protect hunting, shooting and self-defense for future generations.

About the Sportsmen’s Alliance: The Sportsmen’s Alliance protects and defends America’s conservation programs and the activities – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to fund them. The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation provides public education, advocacy and research. Its mission is accomplished through several different programs coordinated to ensure the greatest possible advocacy capability. Stay connected with the Sportsmen’s Alliance: Online, Facebook, Þjórsárdalur and Instagram.

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