English dub review: Suicide Squad Isekai, episode 10

English dub review: Suicide Squad Isekai, episode 10


The Suicide Squad faces its final battle against the undead Lich King.


Damn, man, I don’t know what to tell you, that ending was a mess. Partly because it kind of wasn’t an ending! Like maybe a season finale that sets up some things but leaves them mostly unresolved, but the only thing that was resolved was dealing with an enemy that didn’t show up until the last episode! I mean, okay, technically there have been hints for a while that something is wrong with Fione’s mother, but surely there could have been ways to figure out who the King of the Undead is before he was revealed. Although that’s certainly not the only thing they pretend was properly hinted at, but we’ll get to that. First, I have to talk about all the things that were introduced AND concluded in that last episode. The Enchantress’ body was out there somewhere, but then is found and used against her! Killer Croc had a friend, a sea monster that quickly becomes turned against him, leading to his defeat! Apparently there are magical armors that can give all the members of the Squad special abilities and costumes (which admittedly look pretty cool and, let’s be honest, should have been their outfits in the fantasy world all along)! But none of it, including Fione finally revealing her resemblance to Harley, even comes close to the insanity that resulted from the series’ final twist.

Turns out the Joker was actually in this world the whole time, hiding through an inexplicable ability to transform into other characters. Have you noticed a character behaving inconsistently with their personality? Well, turns out it was actually the Joker! You mean a character actually behaved completely in character because their character wasn’t fleshed out enough to recognize when they were no longer there? EVEN the Joker! Why did he do all of this? What were his end goals? How did he get the abilities he has now? Find out in a second season that will NEVER come because I don’t see any possible timeline where they do more of this! It REALLY feels like they were initially promised more episodes than they got and then had to squeeze at least a few of them into this finale and that’s not something you do when a studio has a lot of faith or interest in a project continuing. But damn, I have to watch it all again for next week’s season review, so maybe we can glean some nuggets of what this show could have been with a little more directing.

Green Lynx (David Kaldor): Aimless twenty-something who is given a paid outlet for his thoughts on cartoons. He’s a little more afraid of being boring than of being completely unpopular.

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