The episode titles of the 5th season of “YOU” give a taste of what awaits Joe in the final season

The episode titles of the 5th season of “YOU” give a taste of what awaits Joe in the final season

Episode title of the last season of You

Photo credit: Netflix / Warner Bros. Television

With filming just completed on the fifth and final season, it’s likely that in just a few months we’ll be able to get our hands on the final episodes that should bring one of Netflix’s most popular series to a triumphant end (for us – hopefully not for Joe). In the run-up to the release, we can reveal nine episode titles that give a taste of what to expect.

Of course, episode titles can give away quite a lot about what will happen in the next season of a show, so we’d like to issue a spoiler warning here for anyone looking to jump into the final season unprepared. It’s been pretty difficult to avoid spoilers, as social media has been flooded with behind-the-scenes images over the past few months (including many from a superfan we recently interviewed).

Warning: The following section contains spoilers. Please read on with caution!

With the caveat that these episode titles not In the correct order, namely in alphabetical order, here are the 10 episode titles of the upcoming season:

  • #JoeGoldberg
  • Blood will have blood
  • Slide to Two
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Clean-up
  • My beautiful Maddie
  • The dark face of love
  • The luckiest guy in NY
  • Trial of the Furies

What do these episode titles say about what will happen in the final season? Well, let’s make some predictions, which are also supported by the dozens and dozens of snapshots from the set of YOUwhich has been filming across New York since early 2024. Again, we have spoilers for season 4 below.


Since Joe was supposed to be dead and returning to the United States and New York, Joe’s billionaire girlfriend Kate used her media contacts and plenty of bribes to make the world believe that Joe had made a horrific escape from Love Quinn and had been forced to fake his death and move abroad for his own safety.

Of course, a billionaire’s boyfriend with an incredible survival story would make quite a splash, so we expect Joe to start his new life as a minor celebrity in the first episode.

On the surface, Joe is a chameleon. As the center of attention, he can use his charm and charisma to mask the discomfort he feels at his new celebrity status. Joe rubs shoulders with New York’s social elite, and who knows what bloody ordeal we’ll see next?

Blood will have blood

“Blood will have blood” comes from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. As the old saying goes, bloodshed through violence in revenge begs for more blood, creating a cycle of violence.

So what context does this have for you? Well, for Joe, this could mean several things. First, Joe murdered many people, creating the cycle of bloodshed that has defined Joe’s life so much over the past few years. Second, it could mean that a person related to one of Joe’s victims, such as a friend, family member, or survivor (Marienne, anyone?), is out for blood and plotting Joe’s downfall. Third, it wouldn’t be surprising if Joe has blood on his hands by the end of the first episode and we see the consequences of those actions.

Finally, Joe has bought a bookstore, most likely the one he used to own. We also know that Madeline Brewer will be seen in the final season as Bronte, a woman who works for Joe in his bookstore. The phrase “blood will have blood” could also refer to the vicious cycle of violence that begins whenever Joe finds a new person to obsess over.

Penn Badgley in New York filming season 5 of “You”Penn Badgley in New York filming season 5 of “You”

Penn Badgley in New York filming season 5 of “You”

Slide to Two

Another episode title that could have multiple meanings is short for Folie a Deux and is “Madness of Two.” This madness of two could refer to his relationship with Kate, who may face some obstacles that need to be cleared away in her attempt to “change the world.” With Joe having embraced his dark self, the two may become New York’s bloodiest power couple.

The second meaning could be his friendship with Bronte and her love of literature. When the character was announced, Bronte was described as a person who “connects through literature and loss. It awakens in him a nostalgia for his former self and makes him question everything that has become of his life.”

And finally, if Joe begins to doubt himself because of Brontë’s influence, this “madness” could also be about the different sides of Joe’s personality, about his dark and murderous self and about the type of Joe who still believes he is the good guy in his own story.

Imposter Syndrome

As Joe begins to doubt himself, perhaps this will affect his relationship with Kate, especially as Kate uses all sorts of dark tactics to bring about the changes she wants in the world. As someone who grew up in poverty and continued to rediscover himself despite his constant rise into the social circles of the wealthy, Joe has never seen himself as a member of this world. As Kate’s boyfriend, he is expected to keep up the appearance of the perfect friend and tragic survivor. So as Joe struggles to adjust to his new surroundings, perhaps he will find himself yearning more and more for his bookstore and working with Bronte, where life is more straightforward and calm.


Thanks to the influence of the Chicago Bulls, the “last dance” is now a popular term for a person’s final act or performance. In the case of Joe Goldberg, it could mean that the serial killer has one last target in his sights that he must eliminate before he can finally put an end to the killing.

My beautiful Maddie

Maddie Lockwood is Kate’s half-sister and is described as “the frivolous twin, a thrice-divorced socialite whose job is ‘sort of PR.’ But make no mistake: Behind Maddie’s frivolous facade lies a master manipulator.” Of course, Maddie will have a significant impact on the story in this episode, possibly leading to her death.

What this means for Joe remains unclear. As Kate’s half-sister, Maddie would have an inheritance after their father’s death, but as far as we know, Kate has left everything and taken control of the family business and its assets. Maddie’s introduction could be that of the angry half-sister who believes she has a claim to the family fortune and will stop at nothing to manipulate Kate and Joe.

If Maddie is seeking Kate’s and therefore Joe’s downfall, she could be dead very quickly. However, the spectacular death of the daughter of a recently deceased billionaire could attract a lot of unwarranted attention.

You Season 4 Part 1 New on Netflix February 9, 2023 E1675953536252You Season 4 Part 1 New on Netflix February 9, 2023 E1675953536252

You Season 4 Part 1 New on Netflix

The luckiest guy in NY

The title of this episode seems like a huge bait and switch. At the beginning, it will seem like Joe’s life has never been better. However, by the end of the episode, Joe Goldberg will be handcuffed and under arrest.

How did Joe get arrested? There could be several reasons for his arrest.

First, we can take the spurned lover route. By this we mean that Joe gives in to his previous bad habits and turns his relationship with Bronte into something romantic. Of course, Kate discovers this and becomes angry at her boyfriend for cheating on her, so she no longer protects him. It would not be surprising if Kate used her resources to bug Joe’s bookstore and knew everything that was going on all along.

Second, Joe’s past catches up with him, and Marienne and Nadia find the evidence needed to get Joe arrested. We also know that Will Bettleheim will return in season five. He could be a wild card and a part of Joe’s past that leads to his downfall.

Trial of the Furies

We’ve all been waiting for the trial of Joe Goldberg. Will Joe be able to escape the clutches of the law? Or will the serial killer finally pay for all his crimes? Will Joe even get out of this alive at the end of the episode or will he be doomed to spend his life in prison?

On the context of the title: The Trial of the Furies is part of the trilogy of the Greek tragedy Oresteia. In it, the goddess Athena led a jury of ten citizens to decide the fate of Orestes, who was accused of matricide by the Furies and defended by the god Apollo. The Furies were chthonic goddesses of vengeance.

This means that if Joe is the Orestes of this story, then Marienne and Nadia are probably the Furies.

We have more on YOU Season 5 in our full preview of the upcoming final season here, which includes more on all the new and returning cast, all the production updates, some of the behind-the-scenes images mentioned above, and more.

What are your key takeaways from the episode titles of YOU Season 5? Let us know in the comments.

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