Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World Episode 7 Release Date Confirmed

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World Episode 7 Release Date Confirmed

Don’t worry, we won’t forget the Why doesn’t anyone in this world remember me? Episode 7 release date, and thanks to us, you don’t know either. Just to be sure, we wrote it down right below and even summarized what happened in the last episode.

What is the release date of Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World episode 7?

The Why doesn’t anyone remember me? In This World episode 7 release date is August 24th. We’re enjoying a lot of the little mysteries that have been hinted at in this anime so far, and some of the fights have been pretty good too. We’re still a little disappointed in the characters as they’re just a bit ordinary. Still, we’re going through with it in the name of the anime and always will as that’s just the way of the weeb.

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What happened in episode 6 of “Why Does No One in This World Remember Me?”

Episode 6 starts with the elves going up against a human-robot hybrid, which is certainly very scary. Then we see Kai and co. actually find their way into the realm of the elves, or the Elven Forest as it is called, and then have to talk about how they defeat the demons and that they seem to have a connection to the elves that they may not have been aware of.

Things end with the group heading to the realm of the angels, where they see things on fire and a lot of violence. It turns out that the angels are generally pretty arrogant and seem to be acting on behalf of Alfreya, who will probably be either purely evil or corrupt, but we’ll find out. When will we find out? Probably when Why doesn’t anyone in this world remember me? Episode 7 will be released on Crunchyroll.

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