Voters willing to change their minds are rare but potentially important: ANALYSIS – KVNU

Voters willing to change their minds are rare but potentially important: ANALYSIS – KVNU

In a close election, it could come down to who can persuade the electorate – that is, who currently has no intention of voting for Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump but has not ruled it out altogether. But persuading them is no easy task, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll. Particularly among registered and likely voters, there are few who can be persuaded; they are less positive about Harris and Trump and significantly less committed to the election.

The question is not just who they will vote for, but whether they will vote at all.

Twelve percent of respondents are willing to change their minds. This includes 7 percent who do not currently support Harris but say they would consider voting for her, and the same 7 percent who do not currently support Trump but are considering voting for him. There is a slight overlap of 1 percent who would consider both.

But those numbers shrink among registered and likely voters. Only 4% of registered voters and 2% of likely voters don’t currently support Harris but say they would consider her. For Trump, the figure is 5% of registered voters and 3% of likely voters. This analysis, prepared for ABC by Langer Research Associates, suggests that the selection among the persuadable is slim, although in a close race, every vote counts.

Voters willing to change their minds are rare but potentially important: ANALYSIS – KVNU

President Joe Biden holds up the hand of Vice President Kamala Harris after delivering the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, August 19, 2024.

Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

Looking at the results among all adults (with sufficient sample size), the persuadables are relatively disinterested. Only about four in 10 are paying close attention to the election, compared with two-thirds of adults overall. Only about a quarter say they will definitely vote in November, compared with 63% of Americans overall. In fact, about half of the persuadables say they would not vote if given the choice between Harris and Trump, compared with 14% of all adults. And fewer say they are registered to vote or say they voted in 2020, which are other strong indicators that they will vote this fall.

The complete results are available in PDF format.

Persuadables are less likely to join a major party than other people and are more likely to be independent or vote for another party. They are also more likely to be politically moderate — 64% of those willing to vote for Harris and 62% of those willing to support Trump, versus 42% of Americans overall.

Twenty-eight percent of persuadable Trump voters prefer a third-party candidate, as do 17 percent of persuadable Harris voters (a small difference given the sample size), compared to just 7 percent of adults overall. The poll was conducted before it was announced that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was expected to drop out of the race.

Persuadable people are also more likely than adults in general to express dissatisfaction with the choice between Harris and Trump as major party candidates. Far more say that neither of them is honest and trustworthy, represents their personal values, or understands the problems of people like them.

PHOTO: Election poll analysis chart

Attitudes towards Harris and Trump

ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll

As with adults in general, the economy and inflation are by far the most important issues for persuadable adults. However, there are some differences in the importance of the issues: Persuadables are less likely than the general public to say that protecting American democracy and U.S. Supreme Court appointments will be of great importance in their election.

Those considering Trump are generally less likely than adults to say that abortion, the war between Israel and Hamas, and race relations are of great importance. And compared with those considering Harris, they are more likely to focus on immigration and place slightly more emphasis on crime. Those considering Harris are generally less likely than adults to say that immigration is of great importance. And compared with those considering Trump, they are slightly more focused on gun violence.

PHOTO: Election poll analysis chart

Main voting topics

ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll

Demographically, persuadables are relatively young—30% under 30, compared to 20% of adults overall—and have lower annual household incomes (41% less than $50,000, compared to 26% of adults overall). Potential persuadables, as Harris defines them, are more likely to be urban residents and people of color.

Overall, nearly nine out of ten people who currently support neither Harris nor Trump say they would not even consider doing so. This leaves campaign teams with two tasks: First, they must maximize voter turnout among their current supporters. Second, they must fish in the small and difficult pool of persuadables.

For more information on the latest ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll, click here.

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