The Real Housewife Heather Dubrow on Paparazzi and the Destruction of New Girl Katie

The Real Housewife Heather Dubrow on Paparazzi and the Destruction of New Girl Katie

That’s pretty much the only thing Real Housewives of Orange County Star Heather Dubrow can’t do anything about it, namely the weather. If that were possible, she would undoubtedly do it – and flawless.

Impressive, chic and masterfully erotic, Bravo Royal is known for its tasteful, impeccably curated events, and the event I arrive at in early August is no exception. Held on the balcony terrace of the restaurant of one of Manhattan’s chicest hotels, it is adorned with a forest of lush foliage, archipelagos of plush lounge areas and numerous flight paths of trays of champagne and appetizers piloted by ravishingly handsome waiters.

Dubrow is always a perfect hostess, engrossed in conversation with guests milling around her corner seat. The staff makes sure everyone’s glasses are always sparkling to the brim, and is apologetic and compassionate. There’s one detail that even Heather Dubrow couldn’t get perfect: It was the hottest, most humid day of the summer so far. My God, were we all sweaty.

I waited my turn to chat with Dubrow. The event served multiple purposes. It was to promote her clothing line and raise awareness for her sparkling wine collection in partnership with Family Equality, which provides resources to LGBTQ+ individuals who want to become parents. And of course, it was a classy and elegant victory lap for her current status as MVP of RHOCwhich I really wanted to ask her about.

But before that happened, there was a lot of sweating to be done. Dubrow’s husband, plastic surgeon and Botched Star Terry Dubrow came over to express his condolences.

A photo by Gina Kirschenheiter, Heather Dubrow and Tamra Judge

Gina Kirschenheiter, Heather Dubrow and Tamra Judge


As we chatted about the couple’s astonishingly expensive, ambitious plan to tear down the $16 million, 9,000-square-foot Beverly Hills estate they recently purchased—the former home of legendary filmmaker Dino De Laurentis—and rebuild it to Heather’s specifications, we asked the waiters for cloth napkins. “We’re frolicking,” Terry says, laughing as we dab our foreheads. “But not a bad place to frolick.”

When I meet Heather, she’s her usual poise and composure. Champagne in hand – yay! – and a waterfall of sweat pouring from every pore – gross! – I apologize for looking sad. “Honestly, you don’t look so bad. Really,” she says so earnestly and convincingly that I’m instantly put at ease – and reminded that she was a successful actress before her reality TV career. Then she turns a fan that was set up for her so that it points at me.

It cannot be overstated how impressive Dubrow’s rise to the top of the Orange County Housewives were there.

This is her third season after a four-year hiatus. She ended the tumultuous final season confirmed, a fabulous, well-equipped phoenix rising from the ashes of the cast’s coordinated attempt to spread gossip intended to put them in a bad light – but in the end, it exposed them as mean girls with deceitful intentions and cemented Dubrow’s reputation as the voice of reason.

In the episodes aired so far this season, she has proven herself to be a compassionate and tenacious ally as her colleagues struggle to climb back up from various low points: Shannon Beador crashed a car while drunk and was arrested, while her ex-boyfriend began a relationship with a former cast member who is her sworn enemy; Jennifer Pedranti was evicted from her home for not paying rent and is now embroiled in a huge gambling scandal involving her fiancé; Gina Kirschenheiter made the decision to ask her boyfriend and his children to move out of their shared home.

Dubrow’s sniper ability to hold anyone who challenges her to account can be deadly. Most recently, she effortlessly outmaneuvered new cast member Katie Ginella, who dared to ambush Dubrow with supposed evidence that she had staged paparazzi photos with Terry amid rumors that the couple had broken up.

That ability to produce and skillfully navigate the explosive drama that Bravo fans crave is one aspect of Dubrow’s appeal. The other reason she returned to the show, she tells me, is to showcase her family’s happy, healthy and celebratory life: Three of her four children identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community.

So it’s an exciting time to talk to Dubrow about how she feels about her time on the show — a midseason check-in in the midst of one of the most successful comebacks by a Bravo cast member in the network’s history.

A photo by Emily Simpson and Heather Dubrow

Emily Simpson and Heather Dubrow


How do you assess the course of the season at this point?

In general, I think everyone is on a roll. I think it looks beautiful. It’s shiny. We have new cameras this year. We have new DNA. I feel like the show literally, just physically, looks better than it ever has. But you know, I think there are some difficult things for me.

How about confronting the new housewife?

There are a lot of untruths being told and a lot of it is just really strange.

Is the crux of the matter the dispute over the paparazzi photos?

There was a long list of things that this girl is mad at me for, which is just bizarre. I had met her twice (before the season started filming). And so it just feels like this is what’s really going on here? And why do you care?

From a fan’s perspective, it’s always interesting to see how a newcomer comes into the show. Whether they act like a wallflower or charge in with guns drawn, both can be good or bad strategies.

I don’t know. When I came on the show, I hadn’t seen it and I haven’t rewatched it. When I left for a couple of years and then came back, I still hadn’t gone back because I think it’s really important, not just in our show but in life, to meet people where they are and get to know them for who they are. Maybe you relate to them differently, but if you come in with preconceived notions or feelings of vengeance against people, that’s not a good place to start.

There is no hope of building a structure if the foundation has not even been started.

Look, you’ve all known me for a long time. I don’t swear on my children’s lives. I heard someone make a comment as if (my defense) was just quibbling over words, like, “Well, maybe she (the paparazzi) didn’t call. She had somebody else do it, and that’s why she got to stand on that soapbox.” So I just want to say emphatically that I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t call anybody, I didn’t tell anybody to do it, I wasn’t involved… nothing. And if I did, why should I care? A lot of people call the paparazzi. Who cares? But that’s character assassination. I don’t like that.

You returned to “Housewives” two seasons ago. How do you feel now, after a few years?

That’s a really good question. You know, it’s funny when… When I made the decision to come back, I remember being on the phone with Andy (Cohen) and saying, “I’m excited!” But he said, “Yeah, because it’s really exciting… and it’s going to be annoying and it’s going to be great,” and he listed all the emotions you go through when you’re on the show.

This is undoubtedly a dramatic range.

So I would say for me the pros outweigh the cons because I get to show my family and our life. I get to show what I do. I got to organize an event for Family Equality this year. That’s the reason I came back. I felt like through these groups we could start conversations and talk about family, fun, and the work we do. I presented at the GLAAD Awards with Meredith Marks, which was so amazing. Also, (my daughter) Katarina and I volunteered at the LGBT Center in LA, which was amazing. All of that means something. It means something to me, it means something to our family, and hopefully it means something to other people watching. It’s visibility.

That must be a huge difference from your first appearance on the show.

It gives meaning to it all. When I first got into it, I didn’t know what I was doing. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It’s an incredible platform. It did a lot for our family. And then I left. When I came back, there had to be a reason. People have their theories. “Oh, she must be famous.” “Oh, the money.” Whatever. But none of that is true. I really came back because I thought, “Wow, you can use this product for something bigger now.” And how cool is that?

A photo by Tamra Judge, Heather Dubrow and Emily Simpson

Tamra Judge, Heather Dubrow and Emily Simpson


Something interesting happened before this season that is common among Real Housewives fans. There were some dramatic things that happened in the offseason, like Shannon’s drunk driving and Jenn and Ryan’s gambling scandal. The reaction from fans was, “Oh, this is going to be such great TV.” It can be pretty dark and macabre. What do you think about these sometimes tragic things fueling fan enthusiasm?

It’s a bit like driving past a car crash, isn’t it? People love watching the shows. I think there’s a group of people who watch the shows because they want to see the aspirational lives and travels and the clothes and lifestyles, the houses. And then I think there are other people who want to say, “Well, at least I’m not like that,” or “At least my life doesn’t look like that.” Unfortunately, sometimes seeing other people in despair makes you feel better. I don’t agree with that. It’s weird that people think that way, but I also really think they love the friendship that we all have and the camaraderie, and that’s why people watch.

It is definitely a great attraction.

It’s funny. My son Nick was at a concert recently, and when he turned around, Shannon Beador’s three girls were standing behind him. “Look, Shannon and I have had our ups and downs and stuff, but we love each other.” And I’m going to say that because I promise you she would probably say the same thing. Then Nick said, “Wait, are you guys Shannon’s kids?” They had the best time together. She texted me today about something. I really feel very blessed to be connected to other women in this way. And I know that, God forbid, if something is wrong, any of them could call me. I would do the same thing.

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