Fast fashion is an environmental nightmare

Fast fashion is an environmental nightmare

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A runway knockoff or a cheap t-shirt may seem like a great deal, but when you consider the environmental damage that fast fashion causes, trendy clothes aren’t such a good deal.

The textile industry uses a lot of water and also pollutes waterways around the world. Clothing production is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Fast fashion, the rapid production of poor quality clothing, exacerbates these problems as garments often end up in landfills. Shockingly, almost a third of new clothing never makes it to a store and is destroyed before it is put on sale.

“Unfortunately, fast fashion has become very popular with consumers, but it comes at a high price for our planet,” said U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree in the House of Representatives last June. She showed a satellite image of a huge pile of clothing dumped in a landfill in Chile. The clothing came from the U.S., Asia and Europe. As another example, Pingree cited that of the 17 million tons of textiles produced in the U.S. in 2018, more than 11 million ended up in landfills.

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