The Sheriff’s Office last week assisted a driver on I-70 who fled the scene of an accident, an attempted car theft and several fraud charges

The Sheriff’s Office last week assisted a driver on I-70 who fled the scene of an accident, an attempted car theft and several fraud charges

The Sheriff’s Office last week assisted a driver on I-70 who fled the scene of an accident, an attempted car theft and several fraud charges
The Summit County Sheriff’s Office released the “Justice Files,” a weekly summary of significant emergency calls, on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
Summit County Sheriff’s Office/Photo courtesy

The Summit County Sheriff’s Office last week helped a driver who fled the scene of an accident on Interstate 70 and emerged soaking wet the next day. There was also one case involving attempted auto theft and several fraud charges.

According to the weekly significant call log published by the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, the following incidents occurred between Monday, August 12th and Friday, August 16th.

On Monday, August 12, a woman in the Wildernest neighborhood was changing clothes near a window of her apartment when she noticed a man outside with a cat on a leash holding his phone in a way that made her think he was taking photos or videos. She quickly got dressed and attempted to confront the man, who reportedly was unresponsive and walked away. Officers searched the area and were unable to locate the man. Surveillance footage obtained by police showed the man apparently taking photos of his cat. The woman did not want to press charges and was instructed to notify officers if the man returned.

On Tuesday, August 13, a woman reported receiving a phone call informing her that a warrant had been issued for her arrest. The scam caller told her she had to pay money to have the warrant removed. Fortunately, she recognized the call as a scam and did not give the caller any personal information or money. She reported the call to law enforcement.

Also on Tuesday, a Dillon Valley woman received a purported job offer via email asking her to help a man who said he remotely runs a business that helps children. All communication was via email, and she never met the purported employer, who said he was in another country helping families. She accepted the offer, and the man asked her to conduct financial transactions related to the business, including sending money through Apple Pay. A check the man sent her was never cashed, and the transactions she made drove her bank account into the negative. She reported the situation to her bank and the sheriff’s office. An investigation is ongoing.

That same day, officers responded to a report of a car crash on Interstate 70 that left a man trapped inside a vehicle. When they received a report, he fled the scene after some good Samaritans helped him get out of the vehicle. Witnesses said the man appeared to be intoxicated and was not injured in the crash. An extensive search was launched for the man as he was reported to be drunk and not dressed appropriately for the weather, but he was not found. The next day, both the man’s sister and father called to report him missing as he had not returned home the night before. While a search team was being assembled, the man was spotted walking along I-70. He was completely soaked, had no shoes on, and was in the early stages of hypothermia. He did not disclose why he fled the scene of the accident, but said he lost his shoes in a bog and spent the night in the woods, according to the sheriff’s office. He was taken to St. Anthony Summit Hospital, and the Colorado State Patrol issued a court summons.

On Wednesday, August 14, a man reported finding a runaway burro with a rope around its neck in unincorporated Summit County. He led the burro back to his house and tied it up while he waited to see if anyone at the trailhead had lost the pack animal. Animal control headed out to the area, but before they could retrieve the burro, it was returned to its owner.

On Thursday, August 15, a woman reported receiving a call from someone claiming to be a sergeant with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, telling her there was an urgent matter that needed to be handled and to call him back. An investigation revealed that the number provided led to a voicemail address claiming to be a detective with the Sheriff’s Office, but that it was not the phone number of a real detective or police agency. She did not call the number back or give them any money or personal information.

Also on Thursday, a man reported that his intoxicated neighbor had come onto his property and moved his plants. He stated that this was an ongoing problem with his neighbor. Officers responded and issued the man a warning for trespassing and moving property that did not belong to him.

On Friday, August 16, a man reported he got off the bus at the Frisco Transfer Center and made contact with a man in the driver’s seat of a vehicle whose window was broken and whose alarm was set off. The man left the area but was caught up by officers. He told officers he had purchased a crowbar nearby to steal a vehicle. When he attempted to break open the door of a vehicle, the window shattered and he cut his hand on the broken window. The Sheriff’s Office arrested him on several charges, including attempted motor vehicle theft and trespassing.

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