Girls, undisturbed: The best study spots on the OU campus

Girls, undisturbed: The best study spots on the OU campus

A good study session needs to take place in a good study space. A quiet, cozy, well-lit place that serves coffee (preferably) will “catch” you before you even start working. Fortunately, there are great places on the OU campus and in the surrounding area that make studying almost pleasant.

Alden Library is an obvious choice, but not all seven floors are the same. The second and fourth floors are often noisier, as they are the two main floors. The first floor has a cool, unfinished basement feel.

The fifth floor of Alden is hands down the best. Slightly overlooked by students, this floor is almost always quiet and has a more private feel. There are large tables for group study, but even better are the individual booths with privacy screens. It’s almost impossible to leave the fifth floor without having accomplished more than you expected.

Jefferson Hall offers renovated study spaces on the ground floor that are available to all students. The location is ideal for East Green residents who don’t feel like climbing the hills to get to Alden or Baker Center, and Jefferson Market is perfect for a snack while you study.

Jefferson also has some outdoor seating near the market where students can set up camp on comfortable patio furniture. Music can sometimes be heard from Glidden Hall across the street, providing a tranquil soundtrack to a perfect study session.

The Front Room Coffeehouse is a great study space with a more lively coffeehouse atmosphere. The drinks are good and there’s plenty of room to spread out alone or with friends. Plus, the outdoor seating is perfect for warm fall or spring days.

Nature lovers and fresh air seekers will love Emeriti Park. Students can lie in a hammock, sit on benches, or spread out a blanket next to the beautiful pond. The gentle sound of the pond’s fountains and few distractions make it a perfect place to concentrate.

Alternatively, the Scripps Amphitheater offers peace and quiet in nature. Located right next to Alden, it offers a nice change from the noisy, sometimes stuffy building. On the steps, students have plenty of space to spread out a blanket and get serious under a blue sky.

To spend some time off campus, students can walk to Donkey Coffee and Espresso at 17 W. Washington St. With two floors of cozy, dimly lit seating and a wide selection of beverages, it’s easy to spend hours here. The cafe is open late even during exam week, so there’s no excuse to go home with unfinished work.

If all of this doesn’t sound tempting enough to brave a cold Athens winter, most dorms have study rooms for residents. While these rooms may not be the most charming, they at least offer a private space without distractions and are therefore still a good alternative to dorm desks.

At the start of the fall semester, explore the campus to see all the places the OU has to offer. As exam week approaches, the daunting work involved will be easier if you know exactly where to go to do your best work.

Kenzie Shuman is a sophomore journalism student at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The publisher. Want to talk more about it? Let Kenzie know by emailing her at [email protected] or send her a message on Instagram @zieshuman.

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