Flood repairs in Watertown City School District could cost over  million | Education

Flood repairs in Watertown City School District could cost over $4 million | Education

WATERTOWN – The Watertown City School District has unanimously approved spending up to $4,200,000 to rehabilitate schools after flooding earlier this month left some areas of the district under feet of water.

The district will fund the repairs from the general fund, insurance, state aid and other available sources. First, money will be obtained from the insurance company, then FEMA will be called in, and finally state aid will be sought. School Superintendent Larry C. Schmiegel said the last resort would be state aid because he did not want to take aid away from the capital reserve project.

Floods cost city schools $4.2 million

The gym floor at Watertown High School needs to be replaced after heavy rains and flooding occurred earlier this month. Photo courtesy of Superintendent Larry C. Schmiegel

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