20 years of alternative energy in Germany cost 0,000,000,000 and drove up costs for consumers

20 years of alternative energy in Germany cost $500,000,000,000 and drove up costs for consumers

There is now enough data to suggest that Germany has drifted towards an anti-science left in both the food and energy sectors over the past decade, so it is easy to see why other companies should stop making the same mistake.

Not only do solar and wind energy not work, they cannot work as long as old technologies are subsidized. This prevents the development of better technologies because that is where the easy-to-get government money is not to be found.

Germany’s fate was sealed when it listened to environmentalists and abandoned nuclear power altogether after a tsunami and earthquake in Japan caused a reactor shutdown. The shutdown proved to be harmless, with more people being injured by flight than by death from water or air, but the German Greens still saw a chance to win their war against nuclear power. And they succeeded.

If Germany had stuck with nuclear power instead of reviving failed relics from the past, energy costs and emissions would look very different.

Russia played chess while Europe played checkers. Anyone with a shred of technical knowledge knows that solar and wind can’t work, and Russia knew that German politicians would have to cover this up with more gas from Russia through Ukraine, so they chose Ukraine and cut out the middleman. When a ceasefire came, Germany rushed to build a pipeline from Russia around Ukraine so that it could leave the Ukrainians in the lurch economically and strategically. For this pipeline, it ignored its own environmental laws to get it completed quickly, but Russia beat it to it again and invaded Ukraine once again. Now Germany was in a bind. German gas-fired power plants were raking in billions every year to survive the fickle wind power, and solar, politicians claimed, was working great. They got the gas from Russia. And lied about their emissions.

In the eternal war with France, Germany not only became the sick old man of Europe because it was led in an unintelligent manner, it even became unfit for life for the Germans. Energy costs rose by 95%. Despite the pandemic economy and runaway inflation during the Biden administration, it was still a better investment than staying at home, and German investments flooded into the U.S. market. They had to ask President Biden to lift Trump’s blockade of Russian gas exports, right after Democrats spent four years insisting that Trump was a puppet of Russia.

The cost to the Germans of their misconduct in alternative energy over the last 20 years is over $500,000,000,000. Their carbon dioxide emissions would be over 70% lower than they are today if they had invested in nuclear energy instead. With lower investment costs, nuclear energy would have left solar and wind energy far behind in every respect.

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