Governor Parson ceremoniously signs legislation to protect property rights and clean water in Pineville – Newstalk KZRG

Governor Parson ceremoniously signs legislation to protect property rights and clean water in Pineville – Newstalk KZRG

Protecting property rights and clean water.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson stopped in Pineville on Wednesday afternoon to ceremoniously sign HB 2134/1956, after he officially signed it in mid-July.

Proponents say the comprehensive legislation regulates agricultural use of industrial wastewater, sludge and related process wastes.

HB 2134/1956 – Water pollution

  • Corrects existing loopholes in state law regarding the use of certain industrial waste byproducts on agricultural lands by amending facility definitions.
  • Extends the regulations on the storage of industrial waste.
  • Establishes a technical standard for nutrient management.
  • Requires annual sampling.

The governor said this bill is very important for farmers and ranchers.

Bill sponsor and Rep. Dirk Deaton of Noel says the goal of the bill is to protect the state’s property rights and water resources from misuse, overuse and improper storage of certain food industry wastes.

Deaton believes that the ability to regulate this indiscriminate dumping of waste would help farmers and people in rural areas.

Joplin State Senator Jill Carter was also present. She helped push the bill through the Senate.

In their view, companies that store slaughterhouse sludge and use it as fertilizer are not required to meet any standards to ensure the health of soil and water in rural Missouri.

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