Snapshot of California Legislature Activities – California Globe

Snapshot of California Legislature Activities – California Globe

Below is a snapshot of the California Legislature’s activities through August 15 during its current 2024 legislative session:


Introduced 639

Passed by the Senate with 499 votes (78% of the bills introduced were passed in the original house)

Failed in the 2nd Senate Chamber (0.3% of the bills introduced failed in the chamber)

Was not passed in the original Parliament 140 (22% of the bills introduced were not passed in the original Parliament)

Bills pending in the Senate 32

In the meeting 316 pending SBs

Of the 499 SBs passed by the Senate, 434 are active – 86 to the government = 348 pending

Enrolled 86

Chapter 61

Vetoed 1

Pending 24


Introduced 1,520

933 passed by the Assembly (61% of the bills introduced were passed in the original House)

Rejected in the plenary session of the Assembly 0 (0 % of the bills introduced were rejected in the plenary session)

Were not passed in the original parliament 587 (39% of the bills introduced were not passed in the original parliament)

Bills pending in the Assembly 21

Bills 640 pending in the Senate

Of the 933 ABs passed by the Assembly, 781 are active – 120 to the government = 661 pending

Enrolled 120

Chapter 103

Vetoed 3

Pending 14

CMTE Suspension Editor for Annual General Meeting Appropriations

315 measures taken into account

1 drawn by the author

94 held in limbo (30%)

220 DP or DPA (70%)

1 to Rules Cmte

219 to the ground

Senate Budget CMTE Suspense File

515 measures taken into account

1 drawn by the author

173 on hold (34%)

341 DP or DPA (66%)

1 to Rules Cmte

340 to the ground

830 measures were rejected yesterday in the vote on the Suspense Files

559 soil measures (67%)

2 draft laws to the Rules Committee


MEETING – Start: Monday, August 19, 1 p.m.

Senate 2and Reading – 216

Consent – ​​16

Remove from inactive – 3

Meeting 3rd Reading – 5

Senate 3rd Reading – 97

Consent – ​​10

TOTAL: 347

SENATE – Session begins on Monday, August 19, 2 p.m.

Senate 2and Reading – 2

Meeting 2and Reading – 338

Consent – ​​22

Senate 3rd Reading – 8

Meeting 3rd Reading – 302

Consent – ​​2

TOTAL: 674

Total number of measures in the two files: 1,021

In addition, measures are still pending in committees and measures could be removed from inactive files.

All measures must be lifted by August 31.

Snapshot of California Legislature Activities – California Globe

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