If Dale Earnhardt Jr. gets his way, NASCAR will die

If Dale Earnhardt Jr. gets his way, NASCAR will die

I love Dale Earnhardt Jr. Seriously, I think he’s perhaps the smartest, most approachable voice in all of NASCAR. He’s the bridge from the fans to the decision makers.

There’s one in every sport, and I would argue that Dale Jr. is the best there is. I’m not sure there’s anyone that even comes close to him. In fact, I’m sure there isn’t. It’s Dale and then everyone else.

So when I say: TheI just know that it is not easy for me. I do not say this lightly. I do not like to say this, but It must be said …

I think Dale Earnhardt Jr. just said probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard about NASCAR and the NFL. If the sport listened to him, it would die. Cease to exist. NASCAR would just be over. You could quit it and have a career.

Dale seriously suggested that NASCAR should compete against the NFL in the fall. Head to head. Green flag at 1pm or kick off at 1pm. Let the spectators decide what they want to see.

To be the best, you have to beat the best, says Earnhardt:

Dale Earnhardt Jr. doesn’t want the NFL smoke

My goodness, you won’t hear a worse idea today. It’s simply not possible.

The NFL is king. It’s so far above everything else in terms of money and ratings that it’s ridiculous. We live in a time where ratings are declining for every sport… except football.

And yes, I’m including college football because starting this weekend, they own Saturdays for the next four months.

Every year the fancy people in the graphics department produce a chart showing what people saw that year. And every year it’s the same 50 things… football, football, and more football.

Check out THIS from 2022:

Crazy. I don’t see any car emojis in this chart, do you? No. Because in no world will NASCAR ever compete with the NFL or college football. Ever.

The Daytona 500 would be a Vandy-Kentucky match at noon, as announced by Beth Mowins, and could certainly compete. Maybe. Otherwise? It’s useless.

And that’s not an attack on NASCAR. No matter what sport you want to compete against the NFL in, they would lose. Hands down.

The WNBA has had great ratings this summer. People are excited about it. Congratulations!

And you know what? In a few weeks, you won’t hear a peep from them.

And that’s what happens to NASCAR in the fall. The playoffs start on Labor Day weekend, and then people stop watching because football season officially starts. It’s silly and does the sport, the fans, and the drivers a disservice.

I’ve been arguing for years that the schedule should end when football season starts. Chase Elliott, the sport’s most popular driver, has made that argument before.

He’s right. So am I. Dale Earnhardt Jr., as smart as he is, made a mistake here. He doesn’t want the NFL smoke. I promise. Don’t go against the king. Damn it, stop going against football in general.

Enjoy the spring. Enjoy the summer. Wait out the fall.

You’re welcome!

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