Girl Scout Troop 33521 travels to Catalina Island and Ensenada to celebrate milestones

Girl Scout Troop 33521 travels to Catalina Island and Ensenada to celebrate milestones

Girl Scout Troop 33521 travels to Catalina Island and Ensenada to celebrate milestones

Jane Lin

Girl Scouts on the dock in Catalina Island. (from left to right) Elsa Chun, Annalise Gudiksen, Ava Casalaina, Olivia Bailey, Rose Reining, Nylah Kim, Mira Sen, Nora Huang, Mina Hergott, Josie Schuetz Gracey, Ann Hatchell, Chloe Hong, Kaya Kothari (not pictured) Audrey Levin, Emme Scott, Tristen Milsum

After many years of selling cookies, raising money, and volunteering, the Girl Scouts of Troop 33521 took a milestone trip to celebrate their accomplishments as cadets and bridge the gap to graduating into senior class. Many of the Girl Scouts have worked on independent projects toward the Silver Award (on a path similar to Eagle Scout projects) and all are now ninth graders.

The group of 16+ girls united two groups of Brownies from Beach, Havens and Wildwood elementary schools when they transferred to Piedmont Middle School. In recent years, the Girl Scouts of Troop 33521 have volunteered to clean up Lake Merritt and beaches, camped and hiked, learned first aid, prepared foods from their culture and worked together on many creative projects. They participated in a regional Girl Scout camporee and placed in the top ten in skills such as orienteering, tent building and fire prevention.

The Girl Scouts took a cruise to Catalina Island and Ensenada from August 4-8 to socialize, adventure and celebrate the week before high school starts.

If you would like to learn more about the Girl Scouts, join a Virtual Open Day or meet at Summer nights in Lincoln. Ninth graders interested in joining Troop 33521 should contact: [email protected]

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