Fair cost of living adjustments – Sentinel and Enterprise

Fair cost of living adjustments – Sentinel and Enterprise

Fair adjustment of living costs

As a federal retiree under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), I am writing to raise awareness about fair cost-of-living adjustments. Currently, there are significant differences in cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) between retirees under FERS and those under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), resulting in unfair disparities in retirement benefits.

The cost of living affects all retirees equally, yet FERS retirees receive lower COLAs compared to our CSRS counterparts. This inequity undermines our financial security and diminishes the value of the benefits we have earned through years of dedicated public service. The Equal COLA Act will correct this imbalance by providing the same COLA to all federal retirees, ensuring we can maintain our purchasing power and live with dignity.

As inflation and the cost of living continue to rise, it is more important than ever to ensure that all retirees receive fair and appropriate adjustments to their benefits. This legislation is a necessary step to correct an unfair system and recognize the service of those who have dedicated their careers to the federal government.

Alice Strasser

Hooksett, NH

Will the Democratic Party Convention remain peaceful?

As we all know, excitement is often an indispensable emotion. When present in a relationship, a contract, or a game between the Red Sox and the Yankees, it fires up the heart and psyche, turning ordinary events into unforgettable ones. But in excess, excitement can become something disturbing, even destructive.

I have been thinking about this sentiment as I contemplate the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, set to begin on Monday, August 19. For outside, on the manicured, well-policed ​​streets of the Windy City, the terrible shadow of enthusiasm could loom; especially in the context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian war, the little-publicized humanitarian crisis, and the Biden-Harris administration’s role in financing the Israeli Defense Fund’s attack on Hamas.

Demonstrations certainly have a long and proud history in American society. When conducted nonviolently and with thought and principle, they can indeed move mountains. Demonstrations spearheaded the Boston Tea Party, the civil rights movement, and yes, the pro-Palestinian demonstrations last spring that erupted on our most prestigious campuses. This time in Chicago, I pray their powerful, gentle power will be felt most keenly. A repeat of the Chicago police riots of 1968—or a protester version—is the very last thing the country and Democrats need.

R. Jay Allain

Orleans, Massachusetts

Now it is enough to talk about climate change

I understand that we all need to be careful about saving energy. However, the way our politicians are pushing green energy has gotten out of control. The rhetoric around fearmongering and fake progress must stop.

A recent article published in the Telegram and Gazette on August 4 paid tribute to former U.S. Representative John W. Olver, who passed away in 2023 after 44 years of service. Thank you, Mr. Oliver.

The article was about the naming of the new Rail Trail bridge that will connect the Fitchburg and Leominster Rail Trails. Congressman Oliver has been a big supporter of the Rail Trail project, which has cost taxpayers over $10 million to date. The headline of the article was “Meeting our climate goals: Rail Trail overpass between Leominster and Fitchburg named after late U.S. Rep. Oliver.”

During the naming ceremony, Governor Maura Healey said, “Congressman Olver understands that rail trails have tremendous value in providing more travel options and getting people out of their cars so we can meet our climate goals.”

I don’t want to take that honor away from Mr. Oliver. I love rail trails; they’re flat and great for kids to ride.

What really annoys me is that smart politicians just can’t tell people what is and isn’t something. If politicians think that building a bike path would have any impact on climate change, then they’re insane. It’s not a means of transport in any way. It’s purely a recreational program that allows people to have a nice, relaxing bike ride. That’s all.

I think our politicians should focus on things like maintaining the Rail Trail after it’s built so it stays navigable and safe. That’s not going to happen. The day it was built it was at its best and in ten years it will be in disrepair. Sad.

The Rail Trail in the Twin Cities has quickly become a center for crime and homelessness. Listen to the police radio for a few evenings. The Rail Trail is a high crime area.

Any mention of rail trails helping the environment is a meaningless talking point. Let’s leave climate change out of the equation.

Robert Brown

Leominster, Massachusetts

Support from Karen Cassella for the Land Registry

Karen Cassella is one of the leaders in the land registry with a vision to invest in our community through accurate and easily accessible deed records, with a focus on efficiency and accuracy in securing property titles and building trust. Karen promises to be your loyal partner in navigating and securing the deeds to our homes with her proven experience and knowledge.

With the ability to identify and implement the changes needed to improve the functionality of the office. She has been part of the Land Registry for 31 years and has performed all aspects of the work, giving her extensive knowledge and experience of operations across all departments. The hands-on experience has also helped her understand the internal operations of the office and identify areas for improvement in the future. The campaign was to meet with residents across the district and discuss their experiences and concerns on how we can better serve them. For the reasons stated above, it is my pleasure to recommend Karen Cassella for the Land Registry.

George Ferdinand

Member of the Health Committee

Tewksbury, Massachusetts

Harris’ extreme politics

With all due respect, I don’t understand how people can support Kamala Harris. These are the extreme political views and positions that Harris supports. Knowing that, can you really continue to support her?

Open borders; Decriminalize illegal immigrants; Citizenship for illegals; Free healthcare for illegals; Free education for illegals; Against voter ID; Supports abortion throughout pregnancy; Supports transgender surgery; Cut police funding; Abolish bail; Against energy independence; Would ban fracking and offshore drilling; Pro-Hamas/Palestinian and anti-Israel; $25,000 for new home buyers (our tax dollars!); Supports Green New Deal; Socialist policies for the USA; Raise corporate taxes from 21% to 28%; Increase government spending and resulting inflation; Against 2nd Amendment/Seize and Buyback policies.

You may not like Donald Trump’s personality, but his policies are fair and honest. If you love this country, please think carefully… the future of the country is at stake.

Nancy E. Walsh

Westford, Massachusetts

How the rich deal with food

A major press conference at a Trump golf club tells us everything about food prices. It was crystal clear that Trump has never cooked for himself or anyone else. Sausages, dairy products and many other perishable foods were kept in 30 degree heat. Soon the flies appeared, ready to feast on them. This man has never eaten anything other than what was cooked for him. What a waste of food by a stumbling clown.

Robert Walton

Chelmsford, Massachusetts

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