ADD symptoms, diagnosis after childhood

ADD symptoms, diagnosis after childhood

Episode description

For decades, it was believed that ADHD begins in childhood and that many people overcome symptoms by adulthood. However, new scientific discoveries have led to findings that have changed the ADHD community’s understanding of how ADHD symptoms develop, fluctuate, wax and wane throughout life.

We now know that ADHD does not appear until later in life in some people, and we have insight into factors that affect earlier or later manifestations. We also know that very few people have a form of ADHD that always severe and debilitating. Instead, most people seem to experience a fluctuating course in adulthood, with certain situations being associated with flare-ups or waning of ADHD symptoms.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • On the latest scientific evidence behind our modern conceptualization of ADHD across the life course
  • About the difference between late-onset and late-diagnosed ADHD and whether people can first develop ADHD as adults
  • Whether people can be considered “recovered” from ADHD if the symptoms have long since disappeared
  • About the situations that can trigger or reduce ADHD symptoms
  • How to decide if a person with mild ADHD-like features is eligible for a clinical diagnosis and what happens if they do not meet the ADHD criteria but still want help?
  • About the impact on diagnosis and treatment, as well as how family members can best support people with ADHD through ups and downs – and what people with ADHD can do to lead happy and healthy lives.

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ADHD in Adults: Additional Resources

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Meet the expert

Dr. Margaret Sibley is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a clinical psychologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. She is the author of over 120 scientific publications on ADHD in adolescence and adulthood. Her research has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Institute of Education Sciences. She is secretary of the American Professional Society for ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD), a member of the Professional Advisory Board for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), and associate editor of the Journal of Attention Disorders. She is the author of Parent-teenager therapy for executive function deficits and ADHD: building skills and motivation Published in 2017 by Guilford Press. (#earned commissions)

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