Yvette Cooper plans wave of deportations to deport 14,000 migrants | Politics | News

Yvette Cooper plans wave of deportations to deport 14,000 migrants | Politics | News

According to the Daily Express, the Home Office plans to deport 14,000 migrants by the end of this year.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper announced “new measures to strengthen border security” and said she wanted to “achieve the highest deportation rate since 2018” within a six-month period.

Ms Cooper has ordered “increased enforcement of immigration and returns measures”, targeting migrants whose visas have expired and rejected asylum seekers from countries with “lower grant rates” such as Albania, Iraq, Turkey, Nigeria and Pakistan.

A further 100 intelligence and investigation officers are being recruited by the National Crime Agency to hunt down migrant smuggling gangs in the English Channel.

Ms Cooper said: “We are taking strong and clear action to strengthen our border security and ensure that regulations are respected and enforced.

“Our new border guard command is already being prepared, we are urgently recruiting new staff and have already stationed additional personnel across Europe.

“They will work with European law enforcement authorities to find all ways to dismantle the criminal smuggling gangs that organize dangerous boat crossings that undermine our border security and put lives at risk.

“And by increasing enforcement capabilities and yields, we will build a better controlled and managed system, rather than the chaos that has plagued the system for far too long.”

Employers who hire illegal immigrants could lose business, be fined or even prosecuted if caught under an “intelligence-led” Home Office program.

The migrants themselves are arrested and deported.

The Home Office said it wanted to build on nine successful deportation flights in the past six weeks, “including the largest ever chartered repatriation flight.” According to the Daily Express, details of the operation were not released because the destination country wanted to avoid criticism from its own country.

According to official information, 300 employees will be redeployed to increase the deportation of rejected asylum seekers.

The Daily Express has also learned that the Home Office will measure the success of the “surge” over the six-month period by how determined the Labour government is to take a tough stance on the borders.

The Labour Party’s plans for a new border guard command will see more British investigators and spies stationed in Europe.

And Ms Cooper confirmed that another 100 intelligence specialists will be hired to “disrupt and dismantle criminal smuggling gangs and prevent dangerous boat crossings”.

Sources have told the Daily Express that Ms Cooper’s team hopes MI5 spies will treat people smugglers like foreign spies and terrorists.

As the newspaper has learned, they could tap the smugglers’ phones and track their movements.

Mrs Cooper has ordered an investigation into the practices of these gangs because she believes there are now more opportunities to stop them from doing their jobs.

There is information on how the gangs operate, where they are based, what routes they take and how they communicate with migrants trying to cross the Channel.

Rob Jones, NCA Director General of Operations, said: “Combating organised immigration crime remains one of the NCA’s key priorities and we are devoting more effort and resources to it than ever before.”

“These additional officers will play a key role as the NCA is currently conducting around 70 investigations into the most vulnerable people smuggling and trafficking groups.

“Combating these dangerous and exploitative gangs requires international cooperation and we will further build on our already good relationship with Europol and other law enforcement partners.

“We are determined to do everything in our power to disrupt and dismantle these networks, whether they operate in the UK or abroad.”

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