Should you be afraid of Target’s “floor walkers”?

Should you be afraid of Target’s “floor walkers”?

Floorwalkers have become a popular topic of conversation on TikTok lately. These are employees, usually in large retail stores, who are often dressed in plain clothes and discreetly follow customers as they shop. Are they a cause for concern? TikToker Logan Moore (@loganr_moore) says no.

Moore has recently released several videos on this topic in the hope of allaying people’s fears about using floor walkers.

“You don’t have to be afraid of shoplifters when you shop at Target,” he says in a TikTok that has been viewed 329,200 times. “As long as you’re not stealing, you really have nothing to worry about.”

What do “floorwalkers” do?

Floorwalkers are not a new concept, but the rise of social media and the normalization of sharing pictures and videos of disturbing strangers in public may have given them more attention in recent years. Floorwalkers themselves even spend time sharing tips on how to be less conspicuous and catch shoplifters.

As Moore explained in a video, they could even follow customers into the store and track them from the moment they arrive, making it appear as if they were just shoppers themselves.

“Have you ever been in a store and been followed by a shoplifter? Possibly,” says Moore. “Maybe you didn’t even know about it. And you know what? Unless you steal, they have nothing. Your only job as a shoplifter or asset protector is to make sure you don’t steal.”

That doesn’t mean that employees on the sales floor are deterring customers from stealing, however. Rather, Moore said, they are secretly recording evidence that can be used in court should the company file charges in the future.

“First, don’t shoplift. And second, if someone is following you and you intend to steal something, pay the money or put it back,” he recommends. “Don’t leave the store if you’re following someone.”

The comments section of Moore’s Target TikTok was filled with people sharing their own experiences and frustrations with the floor walkers.

“I used to collect coupons. For some reason, they always followed me. So I started talking to them and eventually I asked a guy if he wanted to just walk with me instead of going down the aisle,” one user recalls.

“I always ask the waiters to hold my things or help me look for them. The companies don’t have enough employees to help me, but they have waiters,” complained one user.

Another joked: “Hope you enjoy going back and forth between courses because I’m so indecisive sometimes.”

Customers remain concerned

Although Moore tries to reassure viewers by assuring them that only shoplifters have to fear shoplifters, it is obvious that this concept still leaves many people feeling uneasy.

“Sometimes I get anxious when I put my phone or keys in my pocket. When I put my phone in my pocket and take it out again. I try to clarify that it’s not a store item but it makes me nervous,” one user wrote.

“I noticed Dillards has a floor walker,” another chimed in. “It’s so awkward when someone is following you. I can’t even look around comfortably.”

“I just don’t like strangers invading my bubble or noticing me, so I shop online,” admitted a third.

@loganr_moore reply to @Noeynowhere #greenscreen Have you seen floorwalkers following you? Target has floorwalkers, as does Walmart. #floorwalkers #target #antitheft ♬ Original sound – Logan Moore

And another comment pointed to a more serious problem: “Floorwalker hired by the target? Or a random stalker trying to rob you. You never know these days.”

And Moore himself seemed to agree.

“These days, it’s always best to be on your guard,” he admitted in a follow-up video. “You don’t know who anyone is.”

The Daily Dot contacted Moore via a TikTok comment and Target via email.

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