Pointless Theatre at Transformer asks if this is democracy’s last hurrah? – WCP

Pointless Theatre at Transformer asks if this is democracy’s last hurrah? – WCP

In this action-packed election year, there seems to be no shortage of political theater, and concerns about the future of the United States are at a boiling point. A multi-faceted project by Pointless Theatre Co. at the Transformer, The last hurrah for democracy?confronts these campaign concerns and the decline of American institutions head-on. Part gallery exhibition, part art workshop, and part performance, the collaborative project will culminate in a participatory parade around Logan Circle on September 7, representing the death and possible salvation of democracy.

Transformer – Managing Director and Artistic Director Victoria Rice approached Pointless Theatre with the idea of ​​addressing ongoing political anxiety with a democracy parade. The theatre group was excited to implement the idea.

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