Former Tennessee PTO treasurer allegedly stole thousands of father-daughter dance tickets

Former Tennessee PTO treasurer allegedly stole thousands of father-daughter dance tickets

A former treasurer of White House Elementary School’s parent-teacher organization (PTO) admitted to embezzling at least $8,000 from two father-daughter dances, according to the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office, which was discovered after Robertson County Schools officials discovered “financial discrepancies” in the dance funds collected.

The Tennessee Auditor’s Office reports, “The former PTO treasurer admitted to investigators that she had at least $4,000 in safekeeping after each dance, for a total of $8,000,” and that she used the money for personal expenses and kept the remaining cash in a bank bag. She later admitted that she “panicked and threw the bank bag containing the money into a dumpster.”

Additional shortfalls totaling at least $1,265.87 were identified at other PTO events, with no indication of where these discrepancies came from, according to the former treasurer and other PTO officials.

“Our investigation has uncovered a number of deficiencies in oversight and accountability within the PTO,” said Auditor Jason Mumpower. “It is also a mistake to give one person full responsibility for receipting and keeping records of income, making deposits, maintaining accounts and bank reconciliations.”

To view the investigation report, go to

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