Apply now for the New Choreographer Grant from Eryc Taylor Dance

Apply now for the New Choreographer Grant from Eryc Taylor Dance

Eryc Taylor Dance awards scholarships to aspiring choreographers to produce an original 15-20 minute piece. Eryc Taylor Dance reviews applications and selects scholarship recipients based on merit, dance experience, passion for choreography and production innovation.

Eryc Taylor Dance is awarding a $1,000 scholarship to three recipients this year for the 2024-2025 cycle. Follow us on social media @eryctaylordance and @etdoutreah for updates!

Applications for 2025 are possible until SEPTEMBER 15, 2024.

Apply today


– 19-25 years old

– Based in New York/New Jersey (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Hoboken, Jersey City or Staten Island)

– Choreographers who have never before received private, corporate or government funding to create a new work.

– Choreographers must use an original concept that has not been developed or performed anywhere before.

– This scholarship is intended ONLY for individual choreographers; collaboration with other choreographers or “collectives” is prohibited.

Qualified applicants must provide compelling examples of their choreographic style, vision and process for an original 15- to 20-minute performance with at least three or more dancers. Preference is given to collaborations with musicians or other artistic production designers.

Details and purposes of the funding

Fellows will be able to premiere their pieces in New York City in March 2025. Eryc Taylor Dance will provide the venue, lighting and sound technicians, and a maximum of six lighting cues per 15-20 minute piece. Fellowship funds may cover additional costs as approved by Eryc Taylor Dance. Additional costs may include venue rental for auditions, rehearsal space, fees, costumes, music, and dancer payment. No sets, water, special effects, or elaborate lighting are permitted. Eryc Taylor Dance may approve the use of props, live music, or elaborate costumes on a case-by-case basis.

Before grant funds are awarded, selected recipients must provide Eryc Taylor Dance with a detailed budget, audition schedules, rehearsal schedules, and space rental information. Eryc Taylor Dance’s Artistic Director may attend rehearsals and offer advice or critiques on the piece.

Grantees will receive funding in two installments. The first installment of $500 is due within two months of award notification. The second installment of $500 is due on the first of the month following the 2025 NCG concert.

Fellows retain the rights to their choreography. In future performances of their works, choreographers must credit the following sources online and in programs:

“This piece was made possible by the ETD New Choreographer Grant.”

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Savannah Gaillard (Executive Director) at [email protected] and/or Liviya England (ETD Outreach Program Director) at [email protected].

Follow us at @eryctaylordance and @etdoutreach and subscribe to our newsletter online at for the latest information, news, special events, and other performance opportunities.

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