“Industry” Season 3, Episode 2: Summary

“Industry” Season 3, Episode 2: Summary

That moment was oddly satisfying, even though I had no idea what was happening until the last second. As a viewer, that can be frustrating sometimes. But in this case, it was really worth it. Seeing Yas stage that photoshoot with some real power players to make it look like all was well with Lumi stock right before the market closes? I didn’t think Yas had that in him. – Erin

There’s a lot of tension here: it’s so hard to root for her, but this was one of those moments where I couldn’t help but admire her, sort of? A little? People rightly dismiss her for being a Nepo Baby, but here she uses it in a smart way and proves why she’s useful to the team. There’s an exchange between Adler and Eric when Adler asks, “How did Nepo Baby get along?” Eric says, “She got the right people together.” You can see this (rightfully) making Eric angry – and, as he later explains to her, it could be market manipulation!

Yasmin’s connections to old money always help her out and make her accessible to these old, rich white men. She’s part of that world and knows how to use that to her advantage. It’s deeply unsatisfying to think about, and we’ll see how that advantage comes into play a lot over the course of the season with her and Henry. (See also: the scene in the restaurant when she and Henry come to terms about being Nepo babies and Henry gets the tabloid article about them taken down. He also gives her a very expensive wine, the kind I can only imagine covered in dust from a rich man’s cavernous wine cellar.) — Marina

Same, Erin. I thought to myself, “What is this girl up to? Force Otto to take over Lumi and drive up the purchase price in a single transaction?” Anyway, perception is reality in the industry; just the idea of ​​Henry standing with these power players gives the impression that the company is viable and still going strong. We can see that when Bill Adler asked Rishi & Co. how the day ended, he said, “Another day we can write off as being on the right side of the market.” They finished flat, says Rishi – no gain, no loss. Nothing short of a miracle.

But that also means that Yas should be moved from the trading floor to another position. I would say she should focus on private wealth management and working with people like that, but she did that in season 2 and found problems there, so I don’t know, she needs to find her use sooner rather than later. Because it’s not on the trading floor, especially the way Eric addressed her. There’s something so disgusting about his haughty ethical behavior. Like he doesn’t want to have the government on his conscience, but you also know that you’re relieved that the disaster is over. Eric is just upset that he’s not the one who saved Eagle from the Eyes. – Ruth

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