One Piece Episode 1117 Release Date Confirmed

One Piece Episode 1117 Release Date Confirmed

As always in episode 1116 of A piece“Let’s get it! Buggy’s big declaration,” Buggy inadvertently draws all the attention. While it was certainly justified, Buggy’s story was only half of the episode. The second half and the following episodes are about Sabo and the Revolutionary Army.

Admittedly, Buggy’s half was excellent. He was so happy when he saw his new ship, you just love to see it. But despite the real (and frankly hard to take) torture that Crocodile and Mihawk put him through afterwards, Buggy touched all of our hearts. We learned that he and Shanks grew apart not because of their egos, but because Shanks disappointed Buggy. Buggy was willing to serve Shanks. Take him to get the One Piece and watch him become King of the Pirates.

Instead, after Roger’s execution, Shanks decided not to get the One Piece. Buggy saw this as a betrayal of their shared dreams and decided to form his own crew – which had a profound sincere Side of Buggy that you always knew was there, but that you have never seen before. Crying, he then confesses his dream for the first time: “I want to be king of the pirates!”

Then he asks his crew: “What dream has driven you to the sea?! And before you know it, you could be dead… Isn’t your soul screaming too?!” Something about it brings tears to my eyes – the boredom of everyday life compared to staying true to your childish self and trying to pursue your true dream. Maybe Buggy should be king of the pirates…

Anyway, the episode then switches to Sabo. And boy, does it get really exciting now.

Off to Sabo…

As the Straw Hats sailed away from Wano, the newspaper claimed that Sabo, a senior rank in the Revolutionary Army, had killed Nefeltari Cobra, the King of Alabasta. Luffy – who happens to be both Sabo’s brother and a former ally of Cobra – vehemently denied that this could be true. As A piece fan, then you probably had the same knee-jerk reaction. But just a few episodes ago, Shanks and his giant allies apparently killed Kid and his entire crew. So these days, you never know.

In episode 1116, Sabo himself denied the accusations again. The episode ended with him sitting alone with Dragon and Ivankov, the two highest authorities of the Revolutionary Army. He is about to tell us what he experienced in the Reverie. And as someone who has read the manga, I can say: Sabo will tell an insane story.

So when will we find out what Really happened in Reverie? Unfortunately, we have to wait a week. Next week’s episode will be a clip show detailing the history of the Revolutionary Army. Crunchyroll labels these as “Specials.”

The real Episode 1117 will air the following week, barring any unknown broadcast conflicts. It will be released on Crunchyroll on Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

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