Men, do you claim to be tall on dating apps? How ChatGPT can expose this lie – Firstpost

Men, do you claim to be tall on dating apps? How ChatGPT can expose this lie – Firstpost

Online dating is no walk in the park. The pressure of creating a profile, writing bios, and uploading pictures that might make you swipe right can be exhausting – for both women and men. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already helping people master these necessities of online dating.

AI also comes to the aid of shy speakers who don’t know how to start a conversation. As if that wasn’t enough to prove how technology has permeated personal relationships, women are now using ChatGPT for another task – catching men lying about their height.

Here’s what’s going on:

No more lies about heights

Women seem to be fed up of being lied to by men, at least about their height, and are using OpenAI’s chatbot to use their detective skills to find out if men have been telling the truth about the heights listed on their profiles.

They take screenshots of the man’s dating profile, share them with ChatGPT and ask for an estimate of his height.

One user on X pointed out that the popular tool can be used to call men out on their lies about their height.

Justine Moore, a venture capitalist from San Francisco, California, said in a viral tweet: “Girls use ChatGPT to see if men are lying about their height on dating apps. Upload four pictures and it uses proportions and surroundings to estimate height.

She gave the AI ​​four pictures of herself to check whether ChatGPT’s size estimates were accurate.
After feeding the OpenAI tool four images of a man, she received the response: “Based on the images you uploaded, I would estimate that the man is approximately 6’3″ or 6’4″ tall, considering his proportions and appearance next to other people and objects in the photos.”

“I tested it on 10 friends and family members – all estimates were within an inch of their actual size,” Moore wrote on X.

ChatGPT’s estimation is not sufficient if most of the person’s body is not visible in the photo. It also needs distinguishing features in the background, such as a car, to bring the body into proportion, according to a Daily Mail Article.

Why do men lie about their height?

It’s common for people to lie about their appearance online, but being lied to yourself can be exhausting.

According to Jeannie Assimos, who was vice president of online dating site eHarmony for ten years, people lie about their height on dating apps “very often.” “I would say at least 50 percent of the time,” she said Assets Magazine.

“It taints the experience for so many people who go through cycles of hope and disappointment and then are forced to use the apps again because otherwise it’s difficult to meet people. So it doesn’t help anyone to lie, but people do it all the time,” Assimos said.

Online dating
Some women prefer taller men. Symbolic image/Pixabay

An analysis by OKCupid found that men are increasingly tending to exaggerate their actual size to increase their chances of getting a date, reported Daily mail.

There are also women who prefer taller men. A recent study by Texas A&M International University surveyed over 200 heterosexual women in their twenties. According to New York PostThe study stated: “Women perceived taller men as more attractive, masculine, dominant and combative.”

It’s not just men who lie about their looks on dating apps. Elsa Moreck, a dating coach, said Assets, “Men lie about their height just as often as women lie about their age, and it’s common. That definitely leads to a lot of distrust on dating apps, because that’s not the only way people lie there.”

AI in dating is not a good idea

It is unethical to take a screenshot of a person’s images and upload it online, especially if it is a technology company that faces privacy concerns.

There are also questions about turning online dating into a game with AI. “Dating has become game-like through apps, which I don’t think is a good thing. People forget that there are people behind the profile and they should be treated with kindness,” Assimos said. Assets.

If online dating is too much, give your crush a chance. At least he can’t lie to you about his looks!

With contributions from agencies

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