Glasgow launches public consultation on high-rise policy | News

Glasgow launches public consultation on high-rise policy | News


Glasgow City Council is asking the public for input on its policy on high-rise buildings as part of its ongoing efforts to shape the future of the city’s skyline.

As Glasgow continues to attract new investment and development, the City Council recognised that there was a need for coherent guidance on the design of tall buildings. The consultation took place within the wider framework of the City Development Plan, which sets out the city’s economic, cultural and environmental objectives.

The draft guidelines are intended to help both developers and planning officers to manage the pre-application process and ensure that the planned buildings are not only well designed but also located in suitable locations in the urban area.

The Tall Building Design Guidance provides detailed advice, including a ‘map of suitability’ and design parameters that delineate suitable areas for tall building construction. It also explains planning requirements and technical details on sustainable design, ensuring new developments contribute to the city’s long-term environmental goals.

The Map of Appropriateness initially focuses on the city centre and its surrounding areas, where demand for taller buildings is greatest, but this focus will be broadened in the future to consider the importance of different centres across the city and to consider urban design as a key element in the evolving high-rise landscape along the River Clyde.

Glasgow City Council is now asking the public, technical experts and strategic partners for feedback.

>> Read also: How Glasgow is redesigning its city centre after decades of dependence on retail

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