Swift masterpieces flood Elmwood Park at Riverside Run – SwiftCurrentOnline.com

Swift masterpieces flood Elmwood Park at Riverside Run – SwiftCurrentOnline.com

The Eliminators Car Club transformed Elmwood Park into a car lover’s dream on Saturday, hosting its 44th annual Riverside Run Show and Shine.

The park was filled with everything from construction projects to rat rods to race cars. Drivers and interested locals came to enjoy a fun afternoon. Admission was free and all participants and spectators were encouraged to donate money or food to the Salvation Army food bank.

Doug Graham, vice president of the Eliminators Car Club and chairman of the Riverside Run, talked about what made the show so special.

“We have 83 people at the car show today, and with members’ cars, that number goes up to 102,” Graham said. “There are always ups and downs over the years, and people leave, people come. It’s just about keeping the culture and the hobby alive. Keeping a club like the Eliminators going is a pretty big job. It’s fantastic that this event has been held here in Swift Current for 44 years.”

Competitors were also judged by a number of the event’s sponsors, who chose their favorites of particular brands. A unique feature of the show is its promotion of newcomers to car culture with the Young Guns competition, a separate category that recognizes motorists under the age of 25.

Another big attraction in Elmwood was the barbecue, where the fleeing speeders and pedestrians were fed while strolling.

“It’s been a beautiful day here at the park and we just want to make sure people continue to support us and always support the food bank,” Graham said. “It’s been busy here today.”

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