Former AOA employee Mina returns to the industry 4 years after massive bullying controversy

Former AOA employee Mina returns to the industry 4 years after massive bullying controversy

Your return will not be immediate.

Former AOA Member Kwon Mina is preparing to step back into the spotlight four years after her high-profile bullying allegations.

Mina Aoa

According to OSEN, a close friend of Mina revealed that she plans to resume her activities through an MCN (Multi-Channel Network), but clarified that this does not mean a direct return to mainstream entertainment. The same source mentioned that Mina has a strong desire to return to acting if the right opportunity presents itself.

Kwon Mina plans to launch activities through an MCN (Multi-Channel Network). Kwon Mina has a strong desire to return to acting if a good opportunity arises.

— Mina’s friend

Significantly, Mina’s mental health has been reported to have improved significantly since the turbulent events of 2020. She is said to be doing much better and to be more resilient in dealing with online criticism.

Kwon Mina is now healthy enough to deal with malicious comments calmly.

— Mina’s friend

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In 2020, Kwon Mina made headlines when she accused her AOA colleagues of ongoing harassmentThis revelation led to the group ceasing its activities and shin Jimin’s departureWhile Mina initially received sympathy as a victim, her actions subsequently sparked further controversy and led to a change in public perception.

Former AOA member Mina reveals she attempted suicide due to harassment by an AOA member

Fast forward to 2024: Mina has recently resurfaced, sharing her thoughts and experiences on a YouTube channel. During this appearance, she spoke about various personal matters, including memories of her late father, ongoing legal battles, and her plans for the future.

| @new.kma/Instagram

While her return may not be immediate, Mina seems ready to focus and refocus on her future in the industry.

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