Affiliated parties demand exclusion of ODM from Azimio coalition

Affiliated parties demand exclusion of ODM from Azimio coalition

Affiliated parties demand exclusion of ODM from Azimio coalition

The parties affiliated to the Azimio La Umoja coalition are now calling for the expulsion of the ODM party from the alliance as Raila Odinga seeks to cooperate with the government of President William Ruto.

Three parties – PNU, Jubilee and DAP-K – have announced that Azimio chairman, former President Uhuru Kenyatta, has called a meeting to discuss the future of the coalition.

They want to explore options that would better enable the coalition to monitor and keep the government of Kenya’s Kwanza Kingdom in check.

Speaking during a church service in Kirinyaga on Sunday, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka said while it was a democratic right of members to join the opposition or the government, President William Ruto was now running an unconstitutional government following the recent Generation Z protests.

Kalonzo said the government is riding on the blood of the youths who gave their lives in their struggle for better governance.

The Secretary General of the Jubilee Party, Jeremiah Kioni, accused the ODM of double standards, which he said violated the spirit of the 2010 Constitution.

The former Ndaragua MP added that some politicians continue to invoke the name of retired President Uhuru to prove their legitimacy.

Kioni said the broad-based government would continue to oppress Kenyans as President Ruto was able to protect more people from the opposition.

For his part, DAP-K chairman Eugene Wamalwa announced that the Azimio NEC will meet this week to announce important changes to Kenyans.

He said Kenyans were now being urged to support the Kenya Kwanza government after the ODM joined the Ruto government.

Others leading the service were Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba and former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

Significant rifts emerged within the Azimio coalition after its leader Raila Odinga offered his key allies appointments to Ruto’s cabinet.

Hassan Joho, John Mbadi, Wycliffe Oparanya and Opiyo Wandayi are some of the opposition leaders who have since been appointed as Cabinet Secretaries.

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